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REGULAR MEETING November 13, 2017 <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to extend the allotted time for the Council portion <br /> of the hearing by ten(10) minutes. Councilmember Karen White seconded the motion which <br /> carried by a voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated that she understood that the HPC is not obligated to <br /> create a preservation plan for an applicant, but wondered under which circumstances would the <br /> HPC not provide a preservation plan. <br /> Ms. Feasel responded, Well, we start with the basic framework of the Group B standards, and <br /> those are standard for all of the designated landlords of the City and the County. If we were <br /> specifically asked to give a plan, we would probably assess if we have the staff time available to <br /> us to do so, and we would most likely do it. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated that Mr. Boyd has stated that he has not received a plan. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston asked why he was not provided with a plan. <br /> Ms. Feasel responded, I'm not allowed to enter the building without permission. I wasn't <br /> specifically requested to develop a plan. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston asked Mr. Boyd if he had requested a plan,to which Mr. Boyd <br /> responded that he had several times done so. Councilmember Williams-Preston asked whether or <br /> not Mr. Boyd had this in writing. <br /> Mr. Boyd stated that he had made his requests verbally, by phone, and was told that he had to <br /> schedule time to come into the building. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston asked if progress on the possibility of a preservation plan <br /> halted because the HPC wanted to gain entry into the building. <br /> Mr. Boyd stated that that was correct,that he did not think it wise to let them into the building <br /> while there were discussions of citations against him. He stated that he has welcomed them to <br /> draw up a plan for the exterior for five (5) years. <br /> IV.2—Questions from Councilmember Tim Scott: <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked how many times the HPC and Mr. Boyd had met one-on-one <br /> regarding this issue. <br /> Ms. Feasel responded, Prior to the roof being constructed without the HPC's approval, we were <br /> meeting regularly. I would say that Eric popped into the office every other month. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked, After the roof? <br /> Ms. Feasel responded that Mr. Boyd came into the office very rarely after the roof had been <br /> constructed. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, But you two (2)have not worked together for a solution. <br /> Ms. Feasel responded, Yes, we did. She explained that when the addition to the rear had been <br /> approved by the HPC, the HPC was instructed to help Mr. Boyd, so they helped with coming up <br /> with a plan for the windows. Ms. Feasel invited Mr. Boyd to the HPC office, Mr. Boyd <br /> complied, and they worked out a plan together. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked Mr. Boyd what the quote was for the flat roof, to which Mr. Boyd <br /> responded, $23,000. Councilmember Scott asked Mr. Boyd why he did not seek out other quotes. <br /> When Mr. Boyd struggled to articulate his reasoning, Councilmember Scott asked, Sticker <br /> shock? Mr. Boyd responded, Yeah,pretty much. <br /> IV.h — Questions from Councilmember Oliver Davis: <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked why the HPC needed access to the interior to make a <br /> preservation plan for the exterior of the facility. <br /> Ms. Feasel stated that she had not personally offered to or asked to see the interior of the facility, <br /> and that she has not received a request for a preservation plan from Mr. Boyd. <br /> 16 <br />