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Right now it is going right over the tops of the heads of the decision makers. I feel this is the first <br /> time to grab ahold of redevelopment. I don't want $200,000 homes next to homes like mine. I do <br /> not want gentrification to happen. A lot of people think we don't care but we do care. Because of <br /> the systematic oppression of our people, this is the result in the long run. We do matter and our <br /> tax dollars matter just as much as the people that live on the river, Main Street and over by Notre <br /> Dame. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston, There have also been issues with minority contracting. In <br /> 2015,the Annual Diversity Report identified over$90 million was put out for contracting <br /> projects.Not one (1) contract went to African-American businesses. Only one (1) contract was <br /> awarded to a Hispanic business. This is a clear indication, in our own records, of the disparity. <br /> Joseph Shabazz, 208 Rue Flambeau, stated, I've been involved with this since 2003. Before I got <br /> involved, the City, for twenty(20) years, hadn't been offering work to minority contractors. I did <br /> a lot of follow-up and some policies changed. In 2015-2016 there were over 12,000 purchase <br /> orders and only two (2) went to African-American businesses. It is required by law to offer <br /> opportunities through contracts and employment to members of the communities with the lowest <br /> amount of opportunity. I also asked how many African-American subcontractors worked on the <br /> Smart Streets Program and the City doesn't have a record to respond to my request. One (1) of <br /> two (2)things happened. Either one (1), there were no African-American contractors or <br /> employees or two (2), the City doesn't really care to know. Either way,that is unacceptable. I <br /> don't know why we trust the City at this point to do the right think. We ought to get more <br /> involved with this process. If you're making less than $70,000 a year, chances are you are a <br /> have-not. And if you are a have-not, you ought to want to become something. The only way to <br /> do that is for people to band together and accomplish it. Our County Government structure <br /> doesn't even have a diversity and inclusion apparatus. We have people that say they are with us <br /> but when it comes time for action,they are nowhere to be found. We ought to be tired of that and <br /> we ought to do something. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston stated, I want to thank those speakers for shedding light onto <br /> the multiple facets of this issue. The key element to all this is improving the living conditions for <br /> current residents and we must prepare our neighborhoods for construction and rehabilitation. We <br /> must repurpose these vacant lots. We also must put people of color back to work. We need job <br /> training to prepare individuals to repair, build, and rebuild the homes in their own neighborhood. <br /> Minority contracting and job training is necessary in making that happen. We need to organize <br /> and learn to gain control over the development happening on the west side. One (1) example of <br /> this is the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative. In the late 1980s,these neighbors worked <br /> together to take control of the development in their neighborhood and work with the City. We <br /> can learn from their example. We are showing a screening of their efforts called `Holy Ground,' <br /> which is airing on August 10, 2017 at the LaSalle Library at 6:00 p.m. We are also working on a <br /> date for next month to hold a public forum on housing. This date will hopefully have Mayor Pete <br /> in attendance to address the concerns of the residents with regard to housing development. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston repeated, If you are a property owner in South Bend and <br /> have received a notice stating your property will be sent to tax-sale, there may be help available <br /> to save your home. If your tax statement has special assessments related to penalties from Code <br /> 5 <br />