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announcement, If you are a property owner in South Bend and have received a notice stating <br /> your property will be sent to tax-sale,there may be help available to save your home. If your tax <br /> statement has special assessments related to penalties from Code Enforcement, you may be able <br /> to have those penalties dismissed. Please call the Community Forum for Economic Justice at <br /> 574-222-4966 to get help. <br /> She continued, When it comes to revitalization on the west side,we must demand development <br /> without displacement. A common refrain across the country is `Reclaim, Remain, Rebuild.' We <br /> must reclaim our tax dollars. We have to ask how the City is currently spending our tax dollars <br /> on housing. The City recently gave $5 million to a single developer for luxury apartments in <br /> Downtown South Bend. Those apartments start at one thousand and two hundred dollars <br /> ($1,200) a month. Most people in South Bend could never afford to live in these homes but our <br /> tax dollars are spent to support this high-end development. We understand there may be a need <br /> for market-rate housing but there is also a need for rehabilitation. We have to honestly ask <br /> ourselves if we are using our tax dollars most effectively. We next need to be sure we remain in <br /> these existing neighborhoods by providing residents help to rehabilitate their homes. We lastly <br /> need to rebuild. We do this by employing minority contractors and providing job training to <br /> residents to rebuild our own community. We want the City to use our tax dollars,to pay our <br /> people, to build our homes in our neighborhoods. There are various issues related to <br /> neighborhood development and we will have a few members of the community speaking to these <br /> issues. <br /> Stacy Odom, 212 S. Iowa Street, stated, I have had a few experiences with Code Enforcement. <br /> The first is when I was growing up and we had a neighbor that kept calling Code Enforcement on <br /> us claiming we were fixing other people's cars in our driveway. Because the neighbor <br /> complained so much, Code Enforcement called the mortgage company and they foreclosed on <br /> the home. There were ten (10) years left of payments left and my parents paid it off one (1) and a <br /> half years. Code Enforcement is not a joke. My second experience was when I bought a house <br /> that was on the demolition list. I didn't know what that was and when I went to Code <br /> Enforcement they gave me a list of things I needed to do to the house. I did what they told to me <br /> to do and a month later I got a call saying it was still on the demolition list, and I thought it was <br /> on the repair list. I called Code Enforcement and they told me I had to notify them about the <br /> repairs I was making. I talked with Randy, the Director of Code Enforcement, and things are <br /> straightened out. There are still things needed to be done on the house but my advice to you is to <br /> go right to Code Enforcement. You really have to establish a relationship with them. <br /> Jasmine Brown, 230 Sadie Street, stated, I live in one (1) of the most blighted areas in the City. I <br /> live in my grandmother's home. My home is very old, it is over one hundred(100) years old but <br /> to me, it is very important and it is part of my tradition. I feel it is very important to pass on <br /> tradition not only for me, but for my children. I am very heavy on youth advocacy. My house <br /> needed a roof and garage, and I saved and put a roof on myself. We aren't asking for anything <br /> for free, we are simply asking for what has been due for several years. I should not have to be <br /> asking for what my parents and grandparents were asking for. It should already be done. I used <br /> to live over by Notre Dame and I was displaced with the new development there. Luckily I had <br /> my grandparent's home to move to. This is a program that will help rehabilitate all of South <br /> Bend, not just some of it. There is a lot of rich African-American history that we need to keep. <br /> 4 <br />