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budget process, we've been very clear with our top priorities and this will be part of the <br /> discussion during the budget process. <br /> Councilmember Davis accepted this as a friendly amendment and therefore the amendment did <br /> not require a vote. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, Each program has started with a different dollar amount. <br /> Two (2) videos were played to the Committee and Council. These videos are archived in the City <br /> Clerk's Office and are available to the public. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, These videos give the background of the program. There are a <br /> tremendous amount of programs and there are other Councils right now looking at implementing <br /> these programs. I've talked to people in Fort Wayne this morning on the radio and they are <br /> looking at what we are doing. Every city can adapt it to their needs. I came to this City twenty- <br /> five (25) years ago to work at Madison Center. When that closed, Oaklawn had taken over the <br /> out-patient and Memorial took over the in-patient part. The sustaining care that Madison Center <br /> used to provide the community is now the biggest gap in the community. We have many <br /> different services but compared to what Madison Center used to do, it is nothing. I didn't even <br /> have an issue regarding the dollar figure because a lot of this should be a county-wide issue <br /> anyway. The City of South Bend takes care of the homeless of all of St. Joseph County, the City <br /> of Mishawaka, Osceola,New Carlisle and the whole area,just like the school system. This is a <br /> start to the conversation. DTSB has some initiatives and Suzanna Fritzberg from the Mayor's <br /> Office also has some comments, but there are enough people at the table to make sure a dollar <br /> figure is present come the budget time. We could also get private dollars. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated, I think it is a great idea. It is progressive and makes <br /> sense. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, The resolution is non-binding so it is saying we want to have a <br /> conversation regarding issues of importance. We recognize there is a lot of great work that needs <br /> to be done in terms of addressing the homelessness that we have. This project is very innovative <br /> and new. Looking at the video, it is key to surrounding all the different services. It has to take <br /> more than just the City, it is going to take everyone coming together. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to questions and comments from the Committee <br /> and Council. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated, In the State of Indiana, welfare is delegated to the <br /> County such as the County Health Department. I think if the City is going to get involved with <br /> something like this, it is incredibly important that it isn't seen as the City trying to launch a new <br /> project and funding something by itself. There is no funding mechanism from the State <br /> Legislature for cities to fund welfare or things such as this. We need to find partnerships for this <br /> program. <br /> 4 <br />