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Mr. Schmidt replied, My understanding is yes, it would cover the full programming. <br /> Committee Chair White asked, Are you anticipating to come back for the activities for the <br /> Charles Black Center? Individuals are asking and any time you have miscommunication, things <br /> get frustrating. As we move close to the renovation we need to have conversations not only with <br /> the Committee and Council, but with the citizens as well. Similar to what you are doing with <br /> Leeper Park,that would be very beneficial and appreciated. <br /> Mr. Perri confirmed that he would update the Council. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, How does a lease agreement with the Parks Department differ <br /> from lease agreements through the Park Board? <br /> Mr. Schmidt replied, All of these lease agreements have been approved by the individual boards, <br /> whether it is the Parks Board or the Board of Public Works. Truthfully, I found the Parks Statute <br /> to be silent with regard to lease agreements and I thought I would ere on the side of caution and <br /> bring it to Council to show good practice. The Statute states to have Council approve leases for <br /> structures and that applies to this situation. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the items of legislation. There were none. She then turned the floor back to <br /> the Committee for further discussion or main motion. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 17-30,Bill No. 17-31, and Bill <br /> No. 17-32 to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. Committeemember Williams- <br /> Preston seconded this motion which carried unanimously by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 17-26—Resolution in support of an appropriation to fund pilot program <br /> addressing panhandling <br /> Oliver Davis, Council member representing the 6th Councilmanic District, stated, I would first <br /> like to thank Councilmembers White, Williams-Preston and Voorde for co-sponsoring this <br /> legislation. We have several supporting documents for this resolution. There is an article from <br /> the Washington Post regarding a Republican Mayor, as well as a Mayor in Portland, Maine. <br /> Cities all across the country are starting to look at what we can do, especially in light of all the <br /> rulings going on that make it illegal to outlaw panhandling. Many cities are having to figure out <br /> what is going on. A lot of ideas are going back to Albuquerque. Most of the programs are <br /> modeled off of Albuquerque. In section two (2) of the resolution, I've asked Committee Chair <br /> Karen White to address some language. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I had reached out to the sponsor of the bill, Councilmember <br /> Oliver Davis,to identify a particular dollar amount in the resolution. I would like to offer an <br /> amendment at this time for that language to identify financial support, but not identify a <br /> particular dollar amount. I think as we work with the Administration and we go through the <br /> 3 <br />