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Councilmember Tim Scott stated, This has stemmed out of the `Tent City' from last year. DTSB <br /> formed a subcommittee, of which I'm a member,to look at what we can do about panhandling <br /> and the homeless situation. It wasn't a punitive thing, it was something like this. DTSB is putting <br /> out information for shopkeepers and people downtown about how to handle and interact with <br /> panhandlers. There was a pilot program called `The Giving Box.' It encouraged instead of giving <br /> individuals money,the money would go to the services that help the homeless and panhandlers. <br /> There is still discussion about whether that will continue at DTSB but they are committed to <br /> hiring a Social Outreach position. It won't be a red-shirt ambassador, it will be someone actually <br /> trained for this. They are in the process of interviews and may make a decision this week. It is <br /> designed to have this person reach out to these people and help them find a job. There is an <br /> expansion of what is going on here. I think this is good synergy between DTSB and the City. <br /> Interim Council Attorney Aladean DeRose then interjected to confirm the proper terminology of <br /> the resolution. <br /> Suzanna Fritzberg, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Mayor with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, We are grateful for the energy and enthusiasm of taking a step <br /> toward the panhandling situation. We had a series of conversations a few months ago with <br /> members at the Center for the Homeless and they raised a couple of concerns and considerations <br /> around how a strategy like this would work here. We are in the midst of an ongoing information <br /> gathering process, but there may be some concerns around the size and scale of the program <br /> locally. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Will the resolution include this as an appropriation as a line item <br /> in the 2018 budget? <br /> Councilmember Davis replied, There is no line item, this would just be an appropriation. <br /> Interim Council Attorney DeRose clarified the specific terminology regarding the request of <br /> funds for the pilot program. Councilmember Davis and the fellow co-sponsors then discussed <br /> with Interim Council Attorney DeRose the proper terminology for the resolution. <br /> Councilmember Broden then asked, Having figured that out,will there be sufficient time <br /> between now and the budget finalization? <br /> Committee Chair White stated, This is just a request and it gives a sense of direction for the <br /> Administration to consider. It is part of our priorities. <br /> Councilmember Randy Kelly stated, This resolution regards panhandling, but obviously it is the <br /> broader issue of homelessness. These are pieces of homelessness. Would it be worth mentioning <br /> homelessness in this resolution? <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, I don't mind putting that into the resolution. The reason why I <br /> didn't put homelessness in there is because a lot of panhandlers do have homes. Homelessness <br /> doesn't focus as much on the panhandling side of things and that is why this resolution is trying <br /> to address that. I'm open to any thought on that though. <br /> 5 <br />