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Mr. Mueller replied,No, this study will be at all income ranges and then if the market is not <br /> there, we would take a look at what it would take to get it there. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston asked, Is your Department committed to development <br /> without displacement? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, Yes. There are undoubtedly many complicated factors that play into <br /> inequality and displacement but we are committed to doing what we can to mitigate <br /> displacement. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston followed up, So in order to assure development without <br /> displacement,would you agree it is important to benchmark who exists in the neighborhood <br /> now, so next year we can take a look at the impact on the migration patterns? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, That is one plausible pathway, yes. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston followed up, Would you agree to have development <br /> without displacement, it is important to get information from the people that will be the most <br /> impacted in that area? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, Yes and we are seeking engagement from those people. If neighborhoods, <br /> though, are going up, we also need to find out how to raise incomes. That's the key. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston then asked, What do you have in terms of this market study <br /> that would reflect these inclusive values? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, If it is like the previous studies,they will try to categorize the people they <br /> think the market is, so we will have a good sense of where the market is coming from. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston interjected, See, I get confused about this market stuff <br /> because, who is your market? If you are developing, for example, on the Westside, a big part of <br /> the market is going to be the people already there. Sure there will be people coming in but the <br /> people most impacted are already there. <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, If you are building on vacant lots,there is no one there. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston replied, Well there are tons of people that are in homes that <br /> are in need of repair. So what I want to ensure is that as we are moving forward with the market <br /> study,we need to expand it and include some sort of plan to support people that already live <br /> there to improve the housing stock. And in order to do that, we have to know what the stock is <br /> like. I feel there is a lot missing that this market study will have to include. I propose we go back <br /> to at least the original allocation we had so that money is set aside and we can have more <br /> discussion about how we might live our values and have more robust engagement with the <br /> community. We can also look at this as an opportunity to fulfill the Diversity and Inclusion <br /> 5 <br />