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Mr. Mueller confirmed, Yes, that was done in 2014. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, I also understand there were target areas? I assume that is <br /> an overlap? So what are we trying to find out in this proposed study that is different from that <br /> previous study? What's the intention here? There are the Downtown and the Westside Corridor <br /> studies, are those the two (2)that are in play right now? <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, We have created new impact areas that coincided with the one hundred (100) <br /> houses group and our team agreed upon the areas. After our meeting two (2) weeks ago, there <br /> were questions about expanding that area south of downtown. We want to know where the <br /> market is in these areas to figure out many things. One (1) of the things we hope to figure out is <br /> where the best investment could be both from the private market and the areas where the City <br /> could intervene to help push the market. The study is definitely broader and has expanded since <br /> the onset of the discussion, given the feedback we have received. We will start with the whole <br /> City market assessment and then start honing in on potential impact areas. The other issue given <br /> is that anything outside of the Federal funds, which are income-restricted for eligibility, the <br /> funding sources would likely be part of the General Plus Funds. These dollars would be <br /> competing with all of our other expenditures such as the Police Department, Fire Department and <br /> other operative funds within the City Government. We aren't likely going to be able to do one <br /> hundred (100) houses in five hundred (5 00) days, which was the original effort, but we are <br /> hoping to make a serious push and see how we can get more neighborhood development. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, So where does the 2014 study stand with regard to action <br /> steps? What has happened since then with regard to the recommendations to that report? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, The Downtown Study showed there was a market for residential housing <br /> downtown and we had shifted resources toward those developments. That was easier to do <br /> because they were eligible for TIF dollars because a lot of them were mixed use. This study will <br /> help find the resources and help direct the resources to the impact areas. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis arrived at the meeting at 4:17 p.m. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, To me the 2014 study gave us partial data and this next study will <br /> give us more information. <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, We are trying to see how our existing housing studies will coincide with <br /> this market study. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, In the 2014 study,there was a 50,000 number. Was that the <br /> number of houses or was it $50,0009 <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, The 2014 study yielded that number as the average annual income needed <br /> to afford the downtown housing options. <br /> Councilmember Davis followed up, Will this study have any stipulations like that? <br /> 4 <br />