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Order about creating opportunities for people to thrive, as well as investing in people in <br /> underrepresented communities that have been traditionally unserved by government. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I am in agreement with you on having that money in place so we <br /> can come back for more discussion. <br /> She then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition <br /> to this legislation. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, I think a study is great. But, we keep hiring consultants <br /> from the East Coast and they don't know our region, weather,businesses or culture. I would like <br /> to see consultants that come from Fort Wayne, Chicago or Indianapolis that actually know our <br /> region and know who we are. This also means the dollars are leaving the region and going to the <br /> East Coast. We need those dollars to stay here in business. I would also like to add to this study <br /> zoning considerations because I think when a neighborhood becomes too many landlords, it goes <br /> downhill. As you build new houses, I would hope to see more owner-occupied homes. We also <br /> need more emphasis on the environmental impact like proper sewers or requiring the new homes <br /> to have high-efficiency energy. <br /> Committee Chair White turned the floor back to the Committee for further comments or main <br /> motions. Committeemember Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 44-17 to the full Council with <br /> a favorable recommendation. Committeemember Voorde seconded the motion which was hung <br /> by a voice vote of two (2) (Committeemembers Ferlic and Voorde)to two (2) <br /> (Committeemembers Broden and Williams-Preston). Council President Scott broke the tie by <br /> voting in favor of the main motion, sending Bill No. 44-17 to the full Council with a favorable <br /> recommendation. <br /> With no other business, Committee Chair White adjourned the Personnel and Finance <br /> Committee meeting at 4:36 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Karen White, Committee Chair <br /> 6 <br />