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Mr. Ferlic answered, The Pointe did write a letter in favor of a development that was under <br /> development agreement currently. So the development that is proposed at nine (9) stories at the <br /> Commerce Center location is supported by The Pointe. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, I wouldn't want to make assumptions on how The Pointe feels <br /> about this right now. There are some finer points to that letter that I would encourage everyone to <br /> read. Also,they purchased that property in 2015 and made $3 million of investments. Obviously <br /> there wasn't an opportunity to go up and they chose not to. Why is the reference to stories silent <br /> in this text amendment? I think we should include a story count. Also, could someone address <br /> the transition from one hundred fifty(150)to the sixty(60) feet and why it is that way? In terms <br /> of mechanicals, is that extra height silent too? Is there a specific area the mechanical equipment <br /> atop the building needs to be? <br /> Ms. Smith replied, Referencing stories in text often brings about concern because sometimes <br /> stories don't match up with the feet requirement and visa versa. I would expect in the future the <br /> reference might come out. The separation on the west side of the river is basically an alley. The <br /> mechanicals can be up to twenty five (25) feet above the one hundred fifty (150) feet. It does not <br /> have to be in any specific place. It is only just to house the equipment. If it had windows or was <br /> being used for more than just housing the equipment,that would not be allowed. <br /> Committeemember Phipps stated, I think there is a lot to like about this and it settles a lot of the <br /> East Race conversation. My concern is there being enough demand for apartments. We don't <br /> want to put all our eggs into one basket with this large development. Is there any information on <br /> the housing study in regard to demand? <br /> Mr. Pawlowski replied, In a housing study from 2013 that was projecting out five (5)to ten(10) <br /> years, the number of units that have been brought on are within the threshold of that study. In the <br /> ten(10) year outlook the number of units that could be brought on were roughly one thousand <br /> (1000). Developers would not be committing the investment they are if they didn't have an <br /> understanding of the demand. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, There was someone at the Area Plan Commission meeting who <br /> said they were retiring and were wanting to move downtown. I think that is interesting. It's easier <br /> to get around when everything is close to each other. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde stated, I've paid close attention to this issue starting with the <br /> East Bank Village plan and the want to make this part of land distinctly different from the west <br /> side of the river. The recession is to fault for the lack of development opportunities since the plan <br /> was created, not the height restriction. Even with the sixty(60) feet limit, there were variances <br /> allowing seventy eight(78) feet within the district. I like ninety six(96)feet and think that height <br /> is a de facto height for the island. I don't like one hundred fifty (15 0) feet. A lot of properties in <br /> this area are changing hands and the question is what it's going to be. To say there hasn't been <br /> any development is unfair and untrue because there has been. This seems like a rush to judgment. <br /> I think this text amendment spoils the vision. <br /> 5 <br />