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Committee Chair Davis then opened the floor to the members of the public wishing to speak in <br /> favor of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none present to speak in favor. <br /> Steve Francis, 2025 S. Edison St., stated, I'm dizzy because this project has taken a lot of turns. <br /> It has been hard for us in the public to keep up with it. Those who have serious questions are lost <br /> in the process. This is a major change to the zoning ordinance. The plan making process in 2008 <br /> was a full blown, inclusive and reaffirming process for the community to really envision what <br /> they wanted to have happen east of the river. We wanted the village concept. What you're doing <br /> now is pushing a reset button on that concept. The process is compromised and along the way I <br /> think you have all gotten lost in your various camps of what you want personally. The content in <br /> opening it up to one hundred fifty (15 0) feet is two (2) and a half times the current height <br /> maximum. That blows it out of the water. If Dave Mathews wants twelve (12) stories two (2) <br /> years from now, he would be able to do that. Please take a step back, take a breath, and go <br /> through the process. We need to go back through the process we went through in 2008. <br /> Rolanda Hughes, 1029 Riverside Dr., stated, I agree with everything Mr. Francis just said and I <br /> think Mr. Voorde hit the nail on the head. The only argument to go so high has been the parking <br /> spaces. I have done some research on this. The specific number given for the project was two <br /> hundred and forty (240). I've counted and they are only using ninety nine (99) at the Commerce <br /> Center right now. They said they needed one hundred and twenty (120) spaces for the Martins <br /> Supermarket and Pharmacy. I did a survey at the Martins on Portage Ave. and the most cars they <br /> had were eighty three (83), not the one hundred and twenty (120)they said they needed. Further, <br /> they are envisioning one hundred and thirty two (132)places for offices and one hundred and <br /> forty four(144) for the apartments. I think they are double counting the number of spaces that <br /> are going to be used. In terms of due diligence on the part of the Council, you need to let them <br /> know they do not need that many parking places. Next week, Matthews can decide to go higher <br /> if he wants to. Once this is lifted,there is no going back. The agreement hasn't been signed. <br /> There is $5 million of TIF on the table. I think the City at this point shouldn't allow this money <br /> to be available. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic moved to send Substitute Bill No. 08=17 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. This motion was seconded by Committee Chair Davis and failed by <br /> a voice vote of two (2) ayes (Committee Chair Davis and Committeemember Ferlic) and three <br /> (3) nays (Committeemembers Voorde, Broden, and Phipps). <br /> Committeemember Ferlic then moved to send Substitute Bill No. 08-17 to the full Council with <br /> no recommendation. This motion was seconded by Committee Chair Davis and passed by a <br /> voice vote of three (3) ayes (Committee Chair Davis and Committeemembers Voorde and Ferlic) <br /> and two (2) nays (Committeemembers Phipps and Broden). <br /> With no other business on the agenda, Committee Chair Davis adjourned the Zoning and <br /> Annexation Committee meeting at 6:05 p.m. <br /> 6 <br />