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Mr. Ferlic, 1109 Duey Ave., stated, First,thank you to the Council for considering this text <br /> amendment. This ordinance is in response to community demand and the neighbors' demand. <br /> This fits within the vast majority of the comprehensive plan with regard to Mixed-Use <br /> development, increase in density, and amenities such as restaurants, grocery stores and <br /> pharmacies. It is important to note that to this point, no Mixed-Use development has occurred or <br /> been proposed on this island since the comprehensive plan was adopted 2008. 1 would encourage <br /> the Council to move forward to allow the plan to be achieved. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, I was there in 2008 with the planning for the neighborhood. A lot <br /> has changed since then and this small change will help us build back up. We have to make <br /> changes within the spirit of the law to make things like this happen. <br /> Tim Corcoran, Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated, This text amendment was written in conjunction with the Office of Community <br /> Investment. We wanted to do this in order to facilitate the agreement that was put together early <br /> this year. On the west side of the river, it's currently zoned at one hundred fifty(15 0) feet but the <br /> Chase Tower is currently approximately three hundred (300) feet. So this proposed number is <br /> almost half of what is the highest of the CBD, and think one hundred fifty (15 0) feet helps the <br /> gradient effect of what the plan is looking for. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, So what is the rationale behind the one hundred fifty (15 0) <br /> feet? <br /> Mr. Ferlic answered, In working with Community Investment, we are looking to scale height <br /> into the surrounding neighborhoods. For all intents and purposes,the one hundred fifty (150) feet <br /> from the three hundred (300) feet in the downtown offers a transition that successfully scales into <br /> the neighborhoods while also encouraging Mixed-Use development. We thought one hundred <br /> fifty (150) feet would achieve that proper scaling affect into the residential neighborhoods from <br /> our downtown. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, In terms of planning principles, we are kind of forgetting <br /> about the river. That's a pretty significant geographical factor in terms of your dome of your city. <br /> How about the rationale for the one hundred fifty (150) feet as far as petitions of past. We are <br /> saying we are trying to open things up to facilitate Mixed-Use development. What's the track <br /> record or the data that says the height is what is stopping people from developing things in that <br /> area? <br /> Mr. Ferlic answered, Since 2008 there has been no actual development of Mixed-Use that we are <br /> looking for in the comprehensive plan. The only proposed developments to this point have all <br /> exceeded the sixty (60) foot cap. In order to make the comprehensive plan possible,this is a way <br /> to achieve it. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston asked, Have we heard from The Pointe and what they <br /> have to say about the proposal? <br /> 4 <br />