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Committeemember Broden asked, And what's the issue about the two (2) times sitting <br />somewhere? Was this on someone's desk? <br />Mr. Feeney responded, No, our office submitted this to the Clerk first rather than to Engineering. <br />So, consequently, it's sat here for a much longer period of time. Our office did not follow <br />technical protocol in submission of this petition. <br />Committeemember Voorde made a motion to send Bill No. 60 -16 to the Common Council with <br />no recommendation and Randy Kelly seconded the motion, which carried by a voice vote of <br />three (3) ayes. <br />Bill No. 68 -16 — Alley Vacation at St. Louis Street <br />Bob Masters, of Nemeth, Feeney, Masters & Campiti, 350 Columbia Street, South Bend, IN, <br />served as presenter and petitioner of this bill. Mr. Masters stated, We represent the petitioner, <br />Blair Adams, Ret LLC. The petitioner owns both properties that abut the alley to be vacated. On <br />the south side, Lot 80, the common address is 1018 St. Louis Boulevard; and on the north side, <br />the common address is 1020 North St. Louis Boulevard. 1020 is presently a vacant lot and 1018 <br />is improved with a residence. The petitioner is asking to have the alley vacated for future <br />development purposes. Minimally, I think the idea would be to expand the yard of 1018 into <br />1020, possibly then replotting this as one (1) large lot, and expanding the home on 1018 over <br />both lots. Another idea is, instead of replotting as one lot, to expand the yard but then build the <br />house on 1020 St. Louis. This is, I think you all know, a part of South Bend that's experiencing a <br />lot of development, and I think everybody in this room should be rightfully proud of the work <br />that you've done to spark that redevelopment. Some points about the alley that I think are worth <br />noting.'Number one (1), it's not used for trash pickup. The garbage trucks, they drive through <br />this north -south alley along the property, not the east -west alley that we're asking to have <br />vacated. It is not used for vehicular traffic or access to the properties, because the two (2) <br />properties are owned by the same petitioner and may in the future be plotted as one (1). It's not a <br />well- maintained alley. Maybe at one (1) point the garbage pickup went through that alley, but <br />now it's kind of just there, not being well - maintained. We ask for a favorable recommendation <br />from this Committee to the Committee of the Whole. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand informed Committee Chair Broden that this was a substitute <br />bill accepted by the Council at the previous meeting. <br />Mr. Masters thanked Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand and stated, I think the issue had to do <br />with the description. There was one (1) that came from the City and then the more correct one is <br />the one that Lang Feeney provided to us. Mr. Councilmember Voorde, you're looking at the map <br />on the back of the petition of everybody within one - hundred and fifty (150) feet. They've been <br />furnished notices; there's been no. objections. This has been in the works since, I think, <br />September. <br />Committeemember Broden asked, Can I ask you to address a recommendation with regard to <br />some easements or something from vehicular traffic? I assume that's garbage trucks, or <br />whomever, coming from the east. <br />F. <br />