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Mr. Masters responded, We haven't heard anything more about that from the City Engineer, but <br />if the City requires that, I'm sure the petitioner would be fine with it. There should be no trouble <br />to get an easement, because he owns both properties, excuse me [unintelligible] both properties. <br />Roger Nawrot, speaking on behalf of Public Works, stated, The engineer at the time, back on the <br />23`d of August, 2016, requested it. It would probably be a ten (10) foot strip along that east edge <br />of the alley, so that if somebody happened to make the turn late, they would still be able to make <br />it. <br />Committeemember Broden asked, And that would be up to the petitioner, because it was either <br />in the north or the south, right? <br />Mr. Nawrot walked over to Committeemember Broden and showed her a map of the property, <br />stating, It would be right there on the east end with somebody coming to the west. <br />Mr. Masters asked if Mr. Nawrot would show him the same thing so that he could mark it for <br />future reference on his own copy of the map, which Mr. Nawrot did. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand if he needed to change the <br />typical verbiage of his motion for a favorable recommendation to Council, and she responded, <br />As long as Mr. Masters would just verbally state that your client has the opportunity to address <br />the easement, that would be subject to that. <br />Mr. Masters stated, Yes, so, we will speak more about it this evening. I expect our client will be <br />there, but yes, I don't see any problem with that, and if that's what the City requires, then that's <br />what we are doing. <br />Committeemember John Voorde made a motion to send Substitute Bill No. 68 -16 to the <br />Common Council with a favorable recommendation and Committeemember Randy Kelly <br />seconded the motion, which carried by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. <br />With no further items on the agenda, Committee Chair Jo Broden adjourned the meeting at 3:44 <br />p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />. gbe-e� <br />J roden, Committee Chair <br />