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Mr. Feeney responded, Well, Ms. Broden, first of all, there are at this point two (2) viable <br />businesses: the dry cleaners at the very south end and the taverns to the north of them. <br />COUNCILMEMBER OLIVER DAVIS JOINED THE MEETING AT 3:34 p.m. <br />Mr. Feeney continued, stating, Both are owned by the same party who purchased it from Joe <br />Serge. These owners have access off of Portage into another large parking lot between the bar <br />and the dry cleaners. The hours of operation between the two (2) are so dissimilar that the same <br />parking lot has historically provided for both operations, along with parking along Portage <br />Avenue that provides additional parking for tomorrow and overflowing nights — Monday night <br />football, weekend Notre Dame football games, those types of things. <br />COMMITTEEMEMBER RAND Y KELL Y JOINED THE MEETING AT 3:35 p.m. THE <br />Q UOR UM WAS THUS SET AT THREE (3). <br />Councilmember Tim Scott stated, Realistically, it is a universal kind of parking lot for all those <br />businesses there. The alley, really, is insignificant to any of the action that goes on there. <br />Mr. Feeney responded, And, point of order, Mr. Scott seems to be most familiar with that area. <br />I'm extremely familiar. It's near my neighborhood- <br />Committeemember Broden added, It's my neighborhood, too. <br />Mr. Feeney continued, stating, But the fact is, at the west side of the parking lot —where this <br />parking lot would interface with the alley —are concrete - filled bollards that prevent access from <br />the parking lot into the alley. The people that have the primary reason to object to the closure of <br />this alley have prevented access to the very alley that would benefit them, through that parking <br />lot that they own. <br />Committeemember Broden asked, Any loaning issues for those businesses? Because the property <br />has been sold, as of not too long ago. <br />Mr. Feeney responded, That is correct, and as you are I'm sure aware —and Mr. Scott, and Mr. <br />Voorde, and Ms. White —the business atmosphere in that block has been on the downturn. It has <br />been a while since any business has located there. There had been the restaurant on the corner <br />and, through three (3) different owners, that has continued to fail. <br />Committeemember Broden stated, That would be my concern —not to hamper any potential <br />business development there, because you are cutting off either opportunities for deliveries or for <br />loading in an alleyway versus a very busy Portage Avenue. <br />Mr. Feeney responded, And Ms. Broden, any property owner that backs onto that alley that <br />needs that alley for access —will be there tonight. If I were a property owner and I needed that <br />alley for access, I would certainly be there. <br />