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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />different responsibilities. Sometimes you do have to pay someone a heck of a lot of more money <br />to come up with a million dollar deal versus someone who is packing a part in a box. When it <br />comes down to it they are both as important and we try to pay people fairly to retain them and <br />help them further their own careers and stay with our company. We also try to have longevity in <br />the terms of further education. It is the same for the non - bargaining salaries but there does need <br />to be a return on investment. He thanked Councilmember White, Jennifer Hockenhull, and John <br />Murphy for all the meetings they scheduled and ran regarding the budget. He also thanked the <br />Clerk's Office for making sure everything is legally announced and readily available for the <br />public. The kickoff meeting was back on June 7th. A lot of our resources and government is <br />around dealing with this budget. The budget overview for the Council was on August 15th. There <br />is a whole heck of a lot of positive things in the neighborhoods we could be doing but it is still <br />important to focus on the budget. He thanked the Councilmembers who did go to the budget <br />meetings, he admitted he missed one (1) or two (2), and the members that did make it did their <br />best to make the budget better. He stated not one (1) department head didn't give him the <br />information he asked for or were unwilling to help the public or Council understand the budget. <br />A lot of other local governments across this country would love to have our employees, we are <br />light -years ahead of other cities our size. <br />Councilmember White thanked the Councilmembers and the Administration and the Clerk's <br />Office for their support during the budget process. There has been a lot said about transparency, <br />engagement, and communication. As many of the Councilmembers have stated, we started this <br />process early on in terms of sharing with the Councilmembers for their feedback and what <br />priorities they wanted to see in the budget. Many of the priorities that were given were related to <br />public safety and quality of life issues such as curbs and sidewalks and other areas we believed <br />were important to ensure we have strong neighborhoods and a strong City. Engagement is still a <br />concern, we had eight (8) budget meetings and one (1) off -site meeting and it has also been <br />suggested we need to look at better ways to engage the community and the ways our community <br />can give us feedback. All the information from those meetings has been placed online and also <br />ten (10) pages of questions that the Councilmembers had asked of the Administration and we did <br />get into the "weeds" in terms of trying to get as much information and making sure that <br />information was as clear as possible. Still we are at the point where we want to start this process <br />earlier in trying to get feedback from the community. She stated she brings the budget pamphlets <br />and handouts from the Administration to the local neighborhood groups. <br />Councilmember White stated unfortunately the level of public engagement was not at the level it <br />probably should have been at those budget meetings but that causes us to go back and look at <br />how do we as a Council ensure we have the level of public participation. In regards to TIF, it was <br />the Council through one (1) of the committee meetings where we asked for more information on <br />TIF and lessening the burden on the General Fund. The question remains, are there other areas <br />where we can have utilization of TIF funds. Clearly the salary study needs to be completed <br />which will also include performance evaluation. As we look at the various positions which are <br />asking for increases, the overall ordinance average comes to two point four percent (2.4 %). This <br />is not unusual. We need to make sure positions are in -line with market value. There are certain <br />positions within this ordinance that have not been budgeted properly and it is important that they <br />receive the level of funding that justifies the work those individuals are currently doing. <br />Councilmember White thanked everyone for their efforts this year and it is a great beginning to <br />move forward. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated he has sat through a lot of these budget processes over <br />the years and the amount of information available now is extraordinary and Mr. Murphy and his <br />staff do an extraordinary job of getting information out. He stated his proposal has nothing to do <br />with an objection to any member of any City staff and has no objection to any departments. We <br />have some really great people who work for our City. The fact that you have a long drawn out <br />process does not mean you have the best outcome, it just means you had a long process. He <br />stated the salary ordinance came to the Council in the middle of our last meeting two (2) weeks <br />ago. This salary ordinance could have been on the table a few weeks earlier so that we could <br />have had this discussion far in advance. We were put in this position of having this discussion <br />now. It is incongruous that in the same budget proposal we can discuss the fiscal cliff, which we <br />have known about for eight (8) years, and spending all this money on salaries. You don't walk <br />19 <br />