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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />right behind it. Councilmember Davis stated the Mayor said he didn't come to the meetings or do <br />this or do that which is disrespectful. Councilmember Davis stated he had breakfast and meetings <br />and everything else and he stated he warned the Mayor personally at breakfast not to do that. <br />Because we need to this in stages. And then the final thing, the idea that we need to do this right <br />after the election and then people will forget by the next election. We go before the ballot every <br />single day and there is no way the people of the 6ffi District would want to vote this way. We will <br />be voting now. <br />Councilmember Voorde stated he does not believe this is a rushed process at all. The Personnel <br />and Finance Committee started this process months and months ago. The Mayor proposes the <br />budget. He starts by talking to his department heads and getting an idea of what they would like <br />to have. The Council is then polled by the Personnel and Finance Committee and the <br />Administration about what the Council wants and what the priorities are. He stated he doesn't <br />believe the budget represents the priorities to the degree of what the Council asked. For example, <br />at the very top of the list for Council priorities were quality of life issues. Those issues include <br />curbs and sidewalks and lighting and street repairs. This Council has been more than compliant <br />to give the Mayor a free hand to remanufacture this City and its services in his vision, while the <br />Council priorities may not be there in the current budget. The $1.5 million for curbs and <br />sidewalks was there last year and when the budget was originally proposed it was only $1 <br />million so it is not an increase it is just a status quo. In terms of the salaries, which is really <br />almost a separate issue, we have more talent and more hard working bright people working for <br />the City than we have ever had. Sure there has been turnover in the Community Investment <br />Department but that is because they are so good. That is because they can go other places and <br />make more money. Obviously it's not only money that leads to job satisfaction but these are <br />young and talented people who want to grow in their professions. People on the outside see the <br />talent we have and they want it and hopefully they all do well. <br />Councilmember Voorde stated at the last meeting he singled out several departments for the <br />good work that they do and he was remiss to not mention the Administration and Finance <br />Department under Mr. Murphy. That department has been more forthcoming and transparent <br />than any he has ever seen in his thirty (30) plus years in government. There are more reports and <br />more information in general online than any one (1) citizen could possibly want. Overall the <br />budget is a reflection of the Administration's priorities. The Mayor was elected to run the City <br />and the Council oversees that and hopefully influence some of the parts that go into the whole <br />but the Mayor ought to have a change to makeover this City in the way he sees fit and the people <br />he has brought in see fit. He stated he does wish he had a little more than internal and external <br />equity. That information has not quite been portrayed as well as it could have been. It will be a <br />leap of faith for him to support this and the budget but when we come to this fiscal curb nothing <br />should come as a surprise. We were given a pass when the new funding system went into place. <br />The cuts we make, if we make cuts, will not be from basic services or quality of life issues. If we <br />get these reductions, it will come from these salaries. He stated he will support this because he <br />generally supports the mayor and certainly supports the good people who are working for him in <br />the City. <br />Councilmember Scott stated he has been around the country quite a bit in his job and travels <br />almost weekly. He stated he talks to a lot of other city governments and county governments in <br />those travels and he certainly speaks with the other local governments around South Bend. He <br />stated we certainly have a lot of good talented people. For the Police, we put together numbers <br />that will help retain them. The Police set up different beats and education bonuses where the <br />raises really range between four percent (4 %) and seven percent (7 %) and some of the officers <br />will be even eight percent (8 %). That was a really good package for them. We are trying to keep <br />people here and it is the same with the Administration. We are a public entity but we need to <br />compete as much as we possibly can with the private entities because that is where the talent is. <br />We are not always going to win, and we usually won't win, but we will see a return on our <br />investment. Looking at IT, we are looking at the return on investment right now through the IT <br />Committee. <br />Councilmember Scott stated his company has four hundred (400) some employees and each one <br />(1) is crucial or we wouldn't have them there. They all have differnet work experiences and <br />18 <br />