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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />budget meeting and had every department director come before them to justify what they are <br />doing in every department. She stated she has had plenty of opportunity to pick and prod at all of <br />this stuff which is their responsibility to do. She stated the comments that Councilmember Kelly <br />made regarding efficiencies and savings that some of these positions bring are correct and reason <br />enough for the raises. Many of these increases were looked at in terms of the private sector and <br />let's face it many of these people will never make what they would in the private sector but we <br />have to try to approach that. It is important to fund these positions at a level so that when people <br />do leave we don't experience long vacancies in key positions in our City. As to Councilmember <br />Preston's point, this is a difficult decision and the complexities of our workforce are vast. From <br />the person at the Street Department paving roads all the way to lawyers in the Legal Department <br />and then to the new expanded Parks position is a vast range of qualifications and responsibilities. <br />She stated she feels very confident on her first run through of this process that the Administration <br />has made a good case and have been fiscally responsible in balancing these funds. For those <br />reasons she will be in support of this with the understanding that there is a lot of work to be <br />done. It shouldn't be so difficult to make this understandable to the general public. At all those <br />budget meetings, and the process did begin back in February, there was a tremendous need to <br />make this more understandable to the public. <br />Chairperson Ferlic stated Councilmember Dr. Varner is requesting to make an amendment to the <br />bill so he will comment last. He thanked Councilmember White for the budget process as well as <br />members of the Administration for the countless number of meetings and amount of time put <br />into answering our questions. He stated he will be supporting this, many of these positions are <br />evolving roles and taking on many different responsibilities. While it is public service, we are <br />competing with the private sector and it is necessary to compensate positions necessary to <br />compete. <br />Councilmember Davis stated it was interesting that when it came down to the lower echelons in <br />terms of salary, the Administration wanted to do a three (3) year plan. He stated he advocated <br />that be done in two (2) years. The people who are getting paid at the top, the Administration <br />wants to deal with those positions immediately and that questions values. He asked why in the <br />world would we want to take care of the top so quickly but phase in the bottom in three (3) years. <br />He stated he is not for raises over five percent (5 %). The Police and Teamsters told us that they <br />were able to recruit and retain talent on these smaller raises. The Police and Teamsters voted <br />overwhelmingly for those agreements but somehow when you work in the Administration you <br />need a high salary in order to stay here. We do not live in Fort Wayne which is several times <br />larger than us. These people should go work for the private sector for more money, it is a free <br />country. In regards to position title changes, there is no way that one (1) man can do two (2) <br />positions. Both Phil St. Clair and Dennis Andres gave a lot of service to this City and there is no <br />way one (1) person can do both jobs. We are going to give Mr. Perri a title but in reality a deputy <br />will be doing the other job. You cannot do the Morris and the Park System right. There is no <br />way. You can fix up a beautiful big time salary and say how well he is going to do but that is not <br />fair to our citizens of South Bend. <br />Councilmember Davis stated he fought for the LOIT but it was not for big raises and higher <br />salaries, it was to take care of the City's basic needs. We had a rough time then and now <br />everybody is going to the bank it is just disrespectful. Now we are asking people to raise water <br />rates and parking rates and sewer rates. We don't even have a plan in place for the sewer rates <br />and the biggest crisis coming up in the City of South Bend is the CSO plan. You can have more <br />money having to pay for the water and sewer and it will be more impossible to stay in the City of <br />South Bend than all the other places around here. Anybody who stays here will have to pay more <br />money to live here in the City of South Bend and at the same time we are talking about raising <br />salaries. He asked how in the world we can do that. These are still taxes when we raise rates. <br />Councilmember Davis stated this TIF issue is amazing to him and a lot of wording has to be <br />done on that and how we have to deal with everything. After all the meetings we've had and then <br />to just try to quietly do that is a great concern. There is no way. To top it off, everybody in the <br />City was fussing at the Clerk's salary as a diversion. Most of the people didn't even know about <br />these high salaries, it was only in the past few weeks that most people in this town knew about <br />this. Everybody was fussing about the Clerk, and then all these other salaries were coming in <br />17 <br />