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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner made a motion that Substitute Bill 48 -16 be sent to the full <br />Council with a favorable recommendation. Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion <br />which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />59 -16 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE OF THE <br />COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, FIXING THE ANNUAL PAY AND <br />MONETARY FRINGE BENEFITS OF SWORN <br />MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH BEND POLICE <br />DEPARTMENT FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2017, 2018, <br />2019 AND 2020 <br />Councilmember Karen White made a motion to accept Substitute Bill 59 -16. Councilmember <br />Oliver Davis seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Councilmember John Voorde, Chair of the Health and Public Safety Committee, reported that <br />they met and send this forward with a favorable recommendation. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand served as the presenter for this bill. She stated she <br />was just one (1) of ten (10) individuals that served on the City's advisory negotiating team that <br />included Councilmember John Voorde, Councilmember Karen White, and Council President <br />Tim Scott. There were also many great individuals that served from the City Administration, <br />starting with Chief of Police Scott Ruszkowski, Operations Division Chief Jeff Rynearson, <br />Deputy City Controller Jennifer Hockenhull, Director of Financial Services Ken Glowacki, HR <br />Specialists Ann Spindler, and Board of Public Safety Agent Stephanie Steele. We worked with <br />eight (8) members representing the Fraternal Order of Police. Since 1986, the City of South Bend <br />has used a combined system of administrators and councilmembers working together on an <br />advisory team so that there would be consistency and good reasoning behind the goals and <br />objectives that were wished to be desired across the bargaining table. The proposed ordinance <br />before the Council is a four (4) year deal that sets forth between two percent (2 %) and two point <br />five percent (2.5 %) increases over the next four (4) years. It also reflects the goals Chief <br />Ruszkowski set forth that stressed recruitment, retainment, and reward. As a part of that, the <br />Chief and his staff worked very closely with Mr. Glowacki, who did a ton of work on this deal, <br />to achieve those goals. There have been shift incentives placed into the deal in light of the fact <br />that we have two hundred and forty -one (241) men and women serving our Department with <br />eighty (80) officers that could retire next year that have met the twenty (20) year requirements. <br />She turned the presentation over to the Administration representatives to further elaborate on the <br />deal's provisions. <br />Stephanie Steele, Assistant City Attorney with offices on the 12th Floor of the County -City <br />Building, stated as was said we came into the bargaining with recruitment, retainment, and <br />reward in mind. It is a four (4) year agreement and we are focused on that to provide some <br />stability and predictability going into the year 2020. In this agreement we accomplished several <br />things. First we have removed the Patrolman Third Class status, officers now can come in at <br />Patrolman Second Class which makes us more competitive with other area police departments. <br />Together with different incentives we are providing, gives us the same salary bracket as other <br />departments that are nearby. With the idea of retention in mind, we have created different <br />incentive categories beginning with officers who have been with the force for four (4) to nine (9) <br />years and going all the way to officers who have more than twenty (20) years. These are <br />incentives that will create more of a pull to stay and share the knowledge they have gained over <br />the years. We have increased critical duty days from seven (7) to eight (8) which acknowledges <br />for them the holidays that other employees are able to get. We also included an incentive for sign <br />language efficiency which was suggested by Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand. With the goal <br />of rewarding in mind, we have really taken a look at what were the needs of the Department and <br />where do we want more officers to stay. We have put a lot of the incentives into the second and <br />third shifts which experience a higher volume of the, higher crime than some of the other shifts. <br />We have also increased the pay for the field training officers, with the idea in mind that we want <br />0 <br />