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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />eliminates compact fees for sewer and water that were on the books before and adds a surcharge <br />for sewer. That surcharge is phased in. It will be zero percent (0 %) until the end of 2016, then it <br />becomes five percent (5 %) January 1St, 2017, then it becomes ten percent (10 %) January 1St, <br />2018 and finally fourteen (14 %) from January 1St, 2016 and on. It also has a provision which <br />provides for a credit for Indiana Municipalities or Special Districts that have a sale for resale <br />provision that is defined by the Indiana Code. The only two (2) cases like this in the City of <br />South Bend are the St. Joseph County Regional Sewer District and the Town of New Carlisle. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked Mr. Horvath to explain the key reasons why we are doing <br />this for the public's sake. <br />Mr. Horvath responded the previous ordinance was inconsistently applied. We had compact fees <br />on the book that weren't collected since 2002. We were either needing to start enforcing the <br />ordinance or revise it. As we started looking at it we talked with financial and legal advisors to <br />ask about what other communities are doing in Indiana and we drafted the new ordinance to have <br />the system development charge instead of the assessments and had a surcharge instead of the <br />compact fees for outside the City users. From there we had a number of meetings and this bill is <br />the result of those meetings. <br />Councilmember Davis asked if these programs have been successful in those cities that have <br />them. <br />Mr. Horvath responded the system development charge being based on the equity method is very <br />defensible. We tried to create a formula that works the best it can for every situation and while <br />there won't be a perfect formula, but using the equity method essentially means that the more <br />impact a property has on the utilities the larger the system development charge will be. In terms <br />of the surcharge, it makes it much easier for our staff to calculate it and figure it out. It is a much <br />better system for everyone involved and should benefit them all. <br />Councilmember Davis stated the key is this was already on the books back in 2002 and we are <br />just fixing it and making it more equitable. <br />Mr. Horvath responded that is correct. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner stated just for the record there was an examination of cost using the <br />old method versus using the new method and in three (3) of four (4) projects it was significantly <br />lower under this new bill. This is a solution that appears to be easier to calculate and applies <br />more consistently. He asked Mr. Horvath to address the issue of special rate contracts and how <br />they would be affected by this bill. <br />Mr. Horvath responded by first thanking Councilmember Dr. Varner for pointing out that the <br />assessments and system development charges are mostly cheaper under this ordinance. On the <br />residential side the old average for a resident in the City was $3,000 for a sewer connection, it is <br />now.$1,145. On the water side, our old average was $2,000 and it is now $500. In terms of <br />special rate contracts, as a provision of the ordinance it allows for special rates. There are things <br />built in that the City has to do and go through the Council. To his knowledge, there is one (1) <br />such entity that has a special rate right now. Currently through the Legal Department we are <br />reviewing that rate but in terms of this ordinance there is nothing in here that specifically talks <br />about special rates. For the credit on the outside the City user's surcharge, it's only eligible for <br />Indiana Municipalities or Regional Sewer Districts that fit within the Indiana Code for sale for <br />resale customers. That credit would not be applicable to other large users, however having said <br />that special rate contracts may have provisions in there that may impact it but in this ordinance <br />there are no provisions for allowing for a credit except for those two (2) cases mentioned. <br />Committee Chair Dr. Varner stated he would be more than willing to look at this again, sooner <br />rather than later, if we can't find a solution that would perhaps include an amendment to it that <br />precludes more than one (1) beneficial reduction by any entity or user. <br />Mr. Horvath stated he agreed, we want to make sure you can only use one (1) coupon at a time. <br />No one from the public spoke either in favor of or in opposition to the bill. <br />