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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 24, 2016 <br />to reward those who are doing a wonderful job training the new officers. Other incentives <br />include the military incentive pay. This agreement will meet our three (3) goals. <br />Ken Glowacki, South Bend Police 701 West Sample, stated he would speak about the reasons <br />behind the different incentives. Right now the number of sworn officers is at two hundred and <br />forty -one (241) officers, we had budgeted two hundred and fifty (250). Going forward we know <br />we are going to lose eight (8) officers next year who are in the drop plan, this makes it <br />imperative to try to retain the officers we have. Eighty (80) officers have more than twenty (20) <br />years of experience who could retire at virtually any time. We need to put incentives behind our <br />experienced officers to get them to stay on the force while at the same time we need incentives to <br />make sure we are recruiting new officers. The way seniority works, usually the new officers end <br />up on second and third shifts. To make sure they feel rewarded for the time they had to spend on <br />those shifts, we added incentives. <br />Scott Ruszkowski, South Bend Chief of Police with offices at 701 West Sample South Bend IN, <br />stated he has been working on negotiations for twenty (20) plus years on all sides of the table. It <br />is a whole different perspective coming into the negotiations as a Chief. It is unprecedented to <br />have a four (4) year contract but it was a painstaking process. There was a lot of behind the doors <br />arguments over the structure of what we were trying to do because this is something we have <br />never done in our Department. We were really trying to look towards the future and think about <br />what 2050 look like. We need to prepare now to benefit the citizens and police in and beyond <br />2050. Chief Ruszkowski thanked Mr. Glowacki for all the hard work he put in on this agreement <br />making the numbers work. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked if the presenters fully believe this is the best way for our <br />Department to attract and retain police officers. <br />Chief Ruszkowski responded it is the best we can do with what we have. We had to lower our <br />personnel to even get to this point. Compared to any place around here, this deal is well above <br />and beyond. We did a lot of research to make sure we are equal or above the other departments <br />in the area. It is not just about money but the want for officers to be there. The money is a large <br />portion of that but it's not the entire picture. We haven't significantly done the reward in the past <br />and that is what we looked for in this package. <br />Those from the public wishing to speak in favor of the bill: <br />Ted, last name inaudible, FOP #36 with offices at State Road 23 25327, stated he is the treasurer <br />and wage team member. This is a pretty comprehensive package, it was pretty painstaking for us <br />to get here. However since it has been presented to our members, there has been lots of great <br />feedback and some are saying it is the best package they have seen. We are losing officers on a <br />daily basis that go to these other agencies and since this agreement has been out he stated he has <br />had members of other departments start looking into coming to our department. It has been a <br />great incentive to accomplish the three (3) goals that the Chief mentioned. It is a great way to <br />hold the longevity in our force. <br />Those from the public wishing to speak in opposition: <br />Sharon Banicki, 3822 Ford Street, stated she is speaking against this because she is opposed to <br />the small amount of the raise in this agreement in light of the fact that the Council is looking at <br />much larger increases for other special groups of people. To give the officers so little is <br />abhorrent. They are more important than these special people that are looking for double digit <br />raises. She asked who do people call when a house is on fire, or you are being robbed and <br />someone is chasing you down the street. Two percent (2 %) is not enough. <br />Councilmember Karen White made a motion to send Substitute Bill 59 -16 to the full Council <br />with a favorable recommendation. Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />61 -16 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE OF THE <br />COMMON COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />9 <br />