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Police Department attends every neighborhood there is, but unfortunately there's <br />sometimes more cops than community members. Chief Ruzskowski asked the Council to <br />continue to help him get the word out about various community events. Community <br />Outreach has been one of the biggest pushes of the department since Chief Ruzskowski <br />came on board, and has been largely successful. <br />The South Bend Police Department has mandatory reviews of uses of force, squad car <br />crashes and vehicle pursuits. The data and evidence is reviewed in these individual cases <br />in order to determine if sanctions must be applied. <br />Chief Ruzskowski also cited the weekly meeting held with the diversity and inclusion <br />officer, Human Resources and the Legal Department to establish improved hiring and <br />promotional processes for the department; especially, as it relates to equity in regard to <br />diversity and inclusion throughout the department and at higher administration and <br />supervisory levels. The department has also participated in procedural justice, fair and <br />impartial policing and implicit bias training. The train the trainer model is a large <br />component of each of these learning modules. <br />As of September 2nd, there were thirty -three (33) armadillo deployments. Shot Spotter <br />continues with four (4) square miles. Another highlight is traffic enforcement around <br />schools since the first day of school reminding people that school is back in session and <br />to slow down. The lab also boasts a twenty -four (24) hour turnaround on ballistics. Most <br />departments nationwide cannot compare with that output. For the month of August alone <br />there were two - hundred and one (20 1) acquisitions with fifty -one (5 1) of those <br />acquisitions being eligible for candidate comparisons. In other words, those same <br />weapons were involved in other crimes. Thirty -eight (38) of the other crimes were in <br />South Bend and thirteen (13) were outside cases. Out of those candidates, there were <br />twenty -six (26) confirmed hits of being involved in other violent episodes. Gun violence <br />continues to be alarming. In fact, we've had a gun fired roughly 1100 times this year <br />alone. Twenty (20) Narcan uses to date. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston asked for an explanation of Narcan. <br />Chief Ruzskowski answered that Narloxone is called Narcan and used to reverse the <br />effects of a heroin overdose. He suggested that Council view the DVD Chasing the <br />Dragon and spoke to the rise of heroin in the community. <br />The Police Department has also taken on Green Initiatives as a major effort. They <br />recently recycled sixteen (16) bins of recycling material and use energy efficient light <br />bulbs, and motion lighting among others efforts. <br />The department is currently under a major reorganization. They replaced captains and <br />patrol to ensure that captains have direct oversight with patrolman on their shift. The City <br />will be bisected east to west to assign the various regions to patrolman. <br />Committee Chair White asked if the Chief has a sense of when the reorganization would <br />be completed and what the intended measurable outcomes are. <br />G <br />