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Mr. Pinkert described it as a retirement incentive to officers which gives them a drop <br />payment on their retirement date based off their years of service and a current base pay of <br />a first year patrolman. We currently have eight (8) in the drop program and seven (7) to <br />eight (8) resignations over the past year. <br />Committee Chair White asked Chief Ruszkowski to expound upon the recent <br />resignations. <br />Chief Ruzskowski responded that some are going to other forces and some are for <br />personal reasons. Two (2) and possible third person have returned to the force. <br />Mr. Pinkert went on to explain that healthcare costs have been transferred to the Police <br />budget and are non - reimbursable. Due to these rising healthcare costs (and pending drop <br />payments) it's likely the Police budget will be in the red in 2018. We currently have one - <br />hundred and twenty -nine (129) retirees that the City pays, eighty -one (8 1) widows and <br />two (2) dependents that are budgeted for 2017 expenses. One - hundred and three (103) <br />retirees or widows and dependents are currently being paid by the new fund through the <br />State of Indiana. We also have to consider raises in the base pay which contribute to <br />expenses over time. <br />Chief Ruzskowski, 701 W. Sample Street- introduced his staff and began the Police <br />Budget presentation with the mission statement. He also discussed accomplishments of <br />the Group Violence Initiatives (GVI) which includes a one -stop shopping re- organization <br />of many Police divisions. The number one operational goal of the Police Department is <br />gun violence. The re- organization aims to provide measurable data to assess police <br />operations. For instance, Street Crimes and Violent Crime Impact unit have been <br />combined along with many others to create a more streamlined process. We currently <br />have 1196 chronic problem properties but we have more than this that are not <br />documented. Soon the Fire Department will be added to the interdepartmental effort <br />against chronic problem properties. Chief Ruzskowski went on to discuss how data <br />informs police deployment throughout the City; including, community call -ins, <br />Councilmember complaints and complaints from the Mayor's Office. Chief Ruzskowski <br />discussed the many special events that the Police Department covered throughout the <br />year; including, presidential candidates and Notre Dame home games. The department <br />has attempted to retrieve a reimbursement from those specific campaigns. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston asked if we were reimbursed by the campaigns. <br />Councilmember Scott interjected that no municipality nationwide gets reimbursed, but <br />it's customary to ask anyhow. <br />Chief Ruzskowski went on to discuss community outreach efforts of the department. The <br />department hosts Cops, Coffee, and Conversation and Roving Roll Call giving people in <br />the community the opportunity to hear what is discussed at a police roll call. Popsicle <br />Patrol is another community outreach effort where officers go to community parks, give <br />out popsicles and engage in the local community. According to Chief Ruzskowski, the <br />5 <br />