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Committeemember Williams- Preston would like to follow up with Chief Ruzskowski <br />regarding how she could help through the Community Relations Committee in sharing <br />department highlights. She also asked about surveillance cameras and the expansion of <br />the program. <br />Chief Ruzskowski explained that the cameras are being used on Smart Streets, but he'd <br />like to use cameras to monitor public schools and parks for precision policing. <br />She would also like to see a conversation regarding Code and illegal dumping to monitor <br />the dumping hotspots which can also lead to solving other crimes. <br />Chief Ruzskowski agreed that it an example of Broken Windows Theory. <br />Councilmember Kelly thanked the Police Department for the presentation and efforts in <br />public safety. He also asked what South Bend can do to mitigate the potential of Chicago <br />violence and crime spilling over into the South Bend area. <br />Chief Ruzskowski recognized it as a concern to public safety; especially as it relates to <br />drugs and gangs. <br />Councilmember Scott asked if the plate ID equipment is effective. <br />Chief Ruzskowski responded that Indiana has six - hundred (600) different specialty plates <br />which cause issues with software updates. <br />Councilmember Scott mentioned that he was impressed by the department's Career Path <br />programs. He wondered if officers utilized the library if they'd get points or credit toward <br />the interview process or if the department would consider cross - training or a rotational <br />system. <br />Chief Ruzskowski responded that the interview questions are all HR approved and <br />written and recognized the idea as a possible addendum to the process. In regard to cross - <br />training, Chief Ruzskowski responded that he'd like investigators and supervisors to <br />serve as trainers and potentially utilize their expertise in the streets. <br />Councilmember Scott asked if grant writing is a proactive priority of the department. <br />Chief Ruzskowski responded they are looking into grants, but what happens when the <br />grant funding runs out. <br />Councilmember Scott argued to the Administration and Chief Ruzskowski that recruiting <br />needs to be an urgent budget priority and reflected in proactive training and resources. <br />James Mueller, Mayor's Office, responded that the Mayor's Office is concerned about <br />the recruiting issue as well, and that'll be an upcoming priority of the department. <br />Councilmember Scott asked how PSAP funding works and expressed his general <br />frustration regarding the transition and lack of information provided to Council. He <br />shared he's having a meeting with Ron Banicki and Rafael Morton who are generally <br />unhappy with the process as well. <br />11 <br />