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Mr. Glowacki also expressed that their PSAP charge is going up $573,000 for the year. <br />He also shared that several department members of approximately $250,000 were moved <br />to IT funding. He recapped the summary slide of the previously discussed funds, and <br />shared they were in the middle of negotiations with the FOP. <br />Chief Ruzskowski added to the discussion of PSAP which explained that it was totally <br />dependent on the County's ability to pay; if not, the City would have to bear the costs of <br />PSAP operations. <br />John Murphy followed up that Finance and Administration is estimating taking a large <br />amount of reserves given the costs may be much higher than anticipated. He also added <br />the issue could be much worse in 2018. <br />Mr. Glowacki explained the department has not since 2013 come close to the ideal <br />number of officers at two - hundred and sixty (260). Therefore, the department never <br />budgets for all two- hundred and sixty (260) officers. <br />Committee Chair White opened the floor for Committee questions. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston asked Chief Ruzskowski if the Shot Spotter data <br />was placed online, so people can see where the shots were fired. <br />Chief Ruzskowski responded that they are working with the Legal Department, but <br />there's a concern relating to Shot Spotter equipment being damaged if the equipment <br />location was public information. He went on to explain that some data is able to be <br />released as long as it doesn't compromise the Shot Spotter location. <br />An officer explained that Indiana law prohibits information from being public due to <br />issues related to domestic terrorism, compromising locations which reduces the efficacy <br />of officer's policing. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston asked for access to the all Shot Spotter data. <br />Chief responded that he is working with IT on releasing the data that is safe to make <br />public. <br />Councilmember Scott also shared that the Police Department has crime reports and maps <br />that are public on their website. There is applicable Shot Spotter data available under <br />crime reports. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston asked about train the trainer programs and <br />encouraged Chief Ruzskowski to make these highlights known to the wider community. <br />She asked how the information is communicated to the wider public and how can the <br />Council help. She also wondered if there was available data regarding the trainings and <br />outcomes. <br />Chief Ruzskowski responded he was uncertain as to how the department could collect <br />data on implicit bias, but he's looking at calls for service compared to reports, arrest and <br />uses of force trends. <br />10 <br />