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acceptable projects. There will be more on this in the future because these things are envisioned <br />as a 2017 type of expenditure. The Mayor's Office and our office are really thinking hard about <br />the decisions we are making and who we are helping by making those decisions. <br />There was nothing major on the staffing front for Community Investment this year. Two (2) <br />positions are being transferred to the Controller's Office: Director I and one (1) of the Associate <br />IIs. We are also requesting one (1) promotion from Analyst I to Analyst II. <br />Committee Chair White stated she is going to open it up for questions from the Committee. She <br />stated she is excited about these initiatives with TIF to relieve the General Fund as we plan for <br />the circuit breakers in 2019 and 2020. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked does the $9 million total net out in new money for projects we <br />weren't going to do. <br />Mr. Pawlowski stated he wouldn't want to use that total number but it is basically spending <br />money via the TIFs so that it does not have to be spent from the General Fund. It is money that <br />would ordinarily not be available to the General Fund. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner stated he expects the TIF revenue to grow with the number of things <br />that are coming online. He asked if this is a one (1) time deal or is this something going forward <br />we could expect on an annual basis. <br />Mr. Pawlowski stated one (1) thing to keep in mind is TIF districts do have expiration dates. <br />Most of the big TIFs expire in 2033 and 2035. You have to have a solution past that but until <br />then, he stated he would be open to continue to do an exercise similar to what was just presented. <br />We also hope the TIF grows as much as it possibly can. <br />Councilmember Broden asked about the general boundaries of River West and River East. <br />Mr. Pawlowski stated in broad terms River East encompasses the East Bank and runs up to <br />where Eddy Street and Angela meet. These are based on the realignments done two (2) years <br />ago. River West is the broadest TIF that encompasses most of downtown from basically Ignition <br />Park all the way up to where the new A.M. General project was announced. He stated he would <br />send her an updated map as well. <br />Committeemember Preston asked about how this will affect the West Side Main Street Plan. She <br />stated so far the parts implemented by the plan are looking really good but some of things when <br />we speak about moving into the neighborhoods are of great concern. One (1) of the things that <br />the City assured the residents was that before any phase regarding the neighborhoods began there <br />would have to be a public process. She asked how much real input do neighbors have in the plan. <br />James Mueller, Chief of Staff in the Mayor's Office, stated he would like to add some <br />comments. This TIF process is not part of Phase Two (2) of the Westside Plan. These projects <br />Mr. Pawlowski is talking about are not related to the Westside Plan. <br />13 <br />