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Mr. Pawlowski agreed that the Westside Plan is more residential in nature which is a much <br />tougher sell in terms of TIF. Acquisition due to TIF is primarily commercial buildings that are <br />vacant and need to be taken down. <br />Councilmember Preston stated she is trusting that there will be public processes for the Westside <br />Plan because she is not certain the public is against those plans but they should be informed. She <br />expressed thanks that they clarified that the acquisition and consolidation will happen primarily <br />for commercial properties related to TIF purposes. <br />Mr. Pawlowski responded yes. What he is talking about with extra TIF funds to relieve the <br />General Fund is different and separate from the Westside Main Streets Plan. <br />Councilmember Preston stated there are certain places on the Westside that are in need of <br />sidewalks where there are none currently. She asked if that is something these TIF funds could <br />address. <br />Mr. Pawlowski responded it is a little complicated because Public Works has a set budget for <br />sidewalks. The grappling with the statute will really determine if it's a brand new thing. If we are <br />building in an area that has never been developed before then of course it would make sense to <br />use TIF for new infrastructure. Existing maintenance is a much more complicated matter. We do <br />believe that infrastructure that's new and serving in developing areas is okay but it is certainly <br />possible to look at those areas on the Westside where those improvements are needed. If there <br />has never been a sidewalk there then the case would be good for these funds. <br />Councilmember Preston responded some of these areas are routes to school they just never had <br />sidewalks. She stated we should be creative to find ways to put in new sidewalks where possible <br />because it is an issue that we are hearing from residents. If we can even just piecemeal it together <br />with these TIF funds and then other programs would still be dramatically impacted. <br />Committee Chair White asked if there is a process we have to go through to expand this use of <br />TIF funds. <br />Mr. Pawlowski responded the attorneys will review the projects and make sure the <br />determinations are agreed upon which is similar to our business incentive calculations. The <br />ultimate approval authority in that process would be the Redevelopment Commission. The <br />Council is made aware of the process via the budget hearings and process but the approval of <br />dollars remains with the Redevelopment Commission. <br />Committee Chair White asked what the impact to the General Fund would be in terms of freeing <br />up dollars to do other things. There should be a direct impact if that's the case. <br />Mr. Pawlowski responded that was the main goal to relieve the burden. We are just trying to free <br />up some space for other departments. <br />14 <br />