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Mr. Pawlowski resumed the general presentation. In consultation with the Mayor's Office and <br />working with Aaron Kobb, we have tried to figure out the budgetary limitations and capacity of <br />helping ease the burden of the general fund. This budget has $1.2 million dollars in debt service <br />coverage that heretofore has been borne by the general fund. The debt service comes primarily <br />from public use facilities such as police stations or fire stations. To relieve some of the burden on <br />the General Fund, we looked at the TIF statute and believe it is a perfectly legal and legitimate <br />use of TIF dollars to service these funds. That is a big step in terms of a policy decision and <br />demonstrates where if TIF can help ease the general fund we will try to do that. <br />Community Investment also found approximately $200,000 in savings in this budget which came <br />primarily from their own administrative budget. We cut things that weren't absolutely necessary <br />to the functioning of the department. TIF currently pays for an attorney because they staff the <br />Redevelopment Commission and as part of the statute that's how it is supposed to work. We <br />have also looked at those employees with oversight and operational responsibilities for <br />redevelopment projects, a portion of those salaries could be funded via TIF. For example, the <br />Director of Community Investment position spends certainly seventy -five percent (75 %) on a <br />day -to -day basis working on redevelopment projects or activities. In addition to that Aaron <br />Kobb, the Director of Economic Resources, manages all the redevelopment funds. We thought it <br />was okay in that scenario to account for some of our salaries through TIF. Fifty percent (50 %) of <br />each of our individual position's salary comes from TIF now. <br />Committee Chair White asked if they could get a list of what the numbers look like when we <br />shift those salaries onto TIF and also the debt service. <br />Mr. Pawlowski responded yes, we could get that fairly quickly. It is $1.2 million that was <br />previously in debt service on the general fund and now it is no longer on that ledger. <br />In terms of retaining and growing businesses, we have seen substantial momentum. Anyone who <br />drives downtown will see the construction of not just Smart Streets but a number of confidence <br />building projects. Similarly to debt service, we looked at acceptable uses according to the statute <br />for TIF and infrastructure and other related products we thought would qualify. In terms of <br />Public Works and Parks, we looked throughout the TIFs and asked what could we do to lift the <br />burden off the general fund. As of right now, in the River West TIF we are looking at <br />approximately $1.5 million going to the Parks Department and $2 million for Public Works. <br />There are probably obvious needs that are much more immediate than others that TIF can do in <br />terms of infrastructure but it does have its limitations. Anything that is not new will not work in <br />utilizing TIF dollars. What you can do is demolish old things, acquire new property to build <br />things or build new things. That is a rough guideline in what type of projects we are looking at. <br />Mr. Pawlowski stated he is working closely with both Mr. Perri (Parks Director) and Mr. <br />Horvath (Public Works Director) to figure out what makes the most sense in terms of the <br />immediacy of the need that they have and the budgetary framework of TIF acceptable uses. In <br />River East TIF it is $1.5 million for Parks and we imagine most of that will be to complement <br />that Regional Cities initiative award that we were given for the planning and execution of the <br />Howard Park and Blue Ways efforts. In the south, we are looking at roughly $2 million for <br />Public Works and probably $2 million for Parks. What those numbers represent is the ability of <br />those departments to relieve the burden on their General Fund obligations via TIF dollars for <br />12 <br />