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City Clerk Fowler stated that she agrees, she was talking about it in terms of them being full -time <br />positions. <br />Councilmember Davis stated that sometimes people will say that we are reporting to you or to <br />the Mayor, and that is not it. Well, Mayor, the people of the City of South Bend is his boss, the <br />people in each one of our districts, and for those at- large, the whole City has that, and there are <br />these two (2) branches, and your role, the Clerk's role, is to support them. And that is why it has <br />been that way historically even from the times that we see here when this was written to others. <br />So when you look at that, it's been more of a supportive. <br />Councilmember Scott clarified that the procedure for reading letters on the floor is that it is just <br />submitted for the record, not read on the floor. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner stated that he admires the willingness to argue or fight for something <br />you think is necessary. In the context of a request for twenty -three percent (23 %), I don't see <br />that as being an unreasonable request if you believe that is the value of your job. Council has to <br />consider the requests, whatever they are from everybody, in the context of the City as a whole. <br />While I have trouble rationalizing the idea that there is a fiscal cliff and yet there is room for a <br />twenty -three percent (23 %) raise, for anyone, that has been hammered across to us for ten (10) <br />years now. However this plays out, I think it will be a decision where we find ourselves looking <br />at what the possibilities are with regards to the context of the bigger picture. Personally, I'd like <br />to see us get ten (10) or twelve (12) percent for everybody. We're told that is not in the cards, <br />and certainly it hasn't been offered. We have remaining negotiations over the next two (2) years, <br />which will be a difficult thing to negotiate past. That is the way I look at it, and I appreciate your <br />willingness. Mr. Voorde will probably confirm that I did request increases at times during the <br />last decade, and perhaps this is something that could be done over a period of time. Even a five <br />percent (5 %) increase, I think most people would consider substantial. <br />Councilmember Broden stated that since she comes from a not - for - profit sector, organizationally <br />the boards have to take a look at these decisions. Typically it would be for the executive director <br />or additional staff being brought on. Those, because of the circumstances that most of the not - <br />for- profits I've been involved in, on the board side, we certainly had a longer space of time and <br />information on the record in terms of the role, the responsibilities, and the justification. That is <br />always one (1) part of a much bigger budget. My preference is that with this request, we need to <br />get at reasonableness without more information in the record. I appreciate the extent of the <br />information that was presented to us today, and I know that there has been considerable research, <br />otherwise this wouldn't come forward to us. Absent of the other salary increases and <br />information and detail across the board for the City, these types of things are major decisions. A <br />single position should be looked at in the totality of all of the increases for our workers. When I <br />get a packet of information that has the ordinance and the percent increase but not the supporting <br />information, I think we can do better. <br />Since I am here more often and I went to the IACT training, I see some of these things, and I <br />think that the Clerk has made a terrific presentation on this tonight, and I know she has been <br />doing the research on this, but I want to be comfortable that we are all working from the same <br />IN <br />