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fact base with more information on the record. We don't make decisions based on a ten (10) to <br />fifteen (15) minute presentation. <br />Committeemember Ferlic stated that with all due respect to John Voorde and the job he did, he <br />did a great j ob as City Clerk, I think that Kareemah has come in and really done an amazing j ob <br />with the City Clerk's office. The staff is just outstanding, the time they put in, the amount of <br />meetings they attend and the support they provide is outstanding. There are some jobs that if you <br />take a look at the time they involve and the skill they involve, and you compare them to jobs in <br />the private sector, I don't see any discrepancy between the amount of work that goes on, then <br />talent involved in that work, and the salary that she is requesting, so I'll be supporting this. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston stated she would like to talk to Councilmember Broden <br />more about what she was saying. She thought she heard Councilmember Broden say that when <br />she is ready to make a decision on something and vote on it, you really want the information in <br />advance and time to consider it. I think that is true of a lot of things. Given the hot topic that <br />this has been, given that it was on the front page and as public as this has been, and as many <br />people who have been commenting, it was certainly something I wanted to know and understand <br />more about to make sure I had a sense of where I was going. I really sought out information <br />personally to have a better understanding of it. <br />It does sound like a lot, and this is the only thing we are hearing about, especially when Council <br />is only taking two percent (2 %). I think when you investigate it more, it's not hard to see at all <br />that there is serious pay inequity, just by looking at the chart of the salary comparison. I've had <br />lots and lots of conversations with constituents and it has been made clear to me that there is a <br />difference between an elected position and a department head, and we could draw all sorts of <br />arbitrary lines between this and that. But the thing is, the Clerk's position has a tremendous <br />amount of responsibility attached to it, and most people don't know that, and so I can certainly <br />understand the firestorm that has been raging, but as I understand the work that is being done, the <br />expectations of that work, and that I see that the staff has been going above and beyond all hours <br />of the night, literally, responding to texts and emails. Even outside of that, when I look at the <br />directors and department heads together, and I see that the current salary is $59,000 and the next <br />closest department head or director is like $79,000, I'm thinking wow, is there really a $20,000 <br />difference between what the expectation is from the Clerk's office to any of the other department <br />heads? To me that just says right out that maybe we need to take a look at this. This is not a <br />personal issue, this has come to our attention now and the question is does that seem to make <br />sense. I feel like it is really important to make sure we are looking at this in terms of j ob <br />responsibilities, and that things are going even across the board. I also think about the directors <br />within the departments, and even the deputies are making somewhere around six (6) figures. I <br />want to understand that more, and I know that information is forthcoming for a decision at a later <br />date on those salaries. <br />Then there is the issue of comparing the workload and neighboring cities, and I think there is a <br />lot of evidence that is just practical information about what a clerk does, and what the different <br />salaries are when you look at a comparison with the department heads and a comparison to other <br />clerks around. I think there is plenty of evidence there to say that we need to make a substantial <br />lull <br />