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position in the City of South Bend. The average City director makes approximately $10,000 <br />more than that of the Clerk's position, and the average department head makes approximately <br />$30,000 more than that of the Clerk. <br />This request to increase the salary level of the City Clerk is to place it in a competitive range that <br />respects the overall responsibility of the position. I cannot and will not allow personal attacks to <br />compromise my view of this office. My vision is that we cannot and will not retreat from <br />searching for more innovative advancements to serve the City Council, the Mayor's office, and <br />more importantly, the members of the public. <br />I also must consider the future of this position. No one knows what the future holds, but when <br />the time comes, and I leaves this position, it is my fundamental job to make recommendations <br />that will encourage highly qualified individuals to seek this public office. I further intention to <br />make sure that the innovative advances that our office has made, and continue to make, move <br />forward. I am also proud of the highly talented staff in this office and their dedication to public <br />service. I must be clear that this proposed increase is about the position, not the person. It is an <br />executive level job that has been historically underfunded, and has been treated as an employee <br />position rather than an elected office. I thanked the Council for your time and consideration, and <br />I ask for your favorable vote. <br />Committee Chair White stated that an email was received from Derek Dieter that he would like <br />to be read into the record at tonight's meeting during the public hearing. <br />Councilmember Davis stated just for clarification, the Mayor doesn't have the highest rank. It's <br />the Mayor, Clerk, Council, we're all equal when it comes down to it. Sometimes people think <br />that, and even how it was campaigned with the Mayor and the Clerk, because when you ran <br />together it was like you were one (1) and you were all over us. People say how is your boss <br />doing? No, I tell them that my boss is the people of the 61h district. <br />City Clerk Fowler stated that if you look at the chart, they are all equal. <br />Councilmember Davis stated the chart, I'm not worried about the chart. The chart, its equal <br />powers of the government. I understood this from back in government school, and so, the <br />executive branch, the legislative branch, and you have because of the municipal group, really the <br />city council is kind of a craft out of the state branch, because we really only have township and <br />states, so the state crafted out the municipal, so out of the municipal you have the legislative, and <br />you all are there to assist the two (2). So that's how it's set up. It is not set up in the sense that <br />you are over, higher, it's set up like that. That needs to be clarified because it is not set up as one <br />of the other things. That is why historically, we have looked at this thing and it has been that <br />way, because it is two (2) branches of government. You have federal they have three (3) <br />branches of government, state has three (3) branches of government, and municipal has two (2) <br />branches of government with the Clerk to assist. In a sense it is a branch of the government but <br />it is not technically speaking that when you look at the federal and state. That is why the Clerk's <br />role has been considered more of the support role to the Mayor and to the Council. <br />