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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />John Murphy (Controller) (Presenter) - The only large one on here is a deduction of 1.5 million <br />dollars. Offset by an increase of 2.5 million dollars for a waste water secondary improvement <br />project that is being paid for with a combination of bond funds which are already appropriated <br />plus this pay as you go capital fund, we’ve reviewed the refund balances in there. We feel we <br />can do some pay as you go capital without having to bond so that’s what we are proposing to do <br />with this capital project. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Asked for questions from the Council for questions <br />seeing none. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Is there anyone wishing to speak in favor or in <br />opposition seeing no one the Public Hearing is now closed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dr. Ferlic made a motion to send the Bill 53-15 to the Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. Councilmember Gavin Ferlic seconded the motion which carried by a voice <br />vote of seven (7) ayes. <br /> <br />nd <br />2 Reading on Bill 53-15 <br /> <br />Councilmember White Chairperson, Personnel and Finance Committee, reported that they met <br />this afternoon on this bill and due to a lack of quorum there is no recommendation. <br /> <br />John Murphy (Controller) (Presenter) - These are budget transfers from one type of account to <br />another. It’s a requirement in Indiana that the Common Council approve these types of transfers. <br />For example you might transfer from a services account to a supply account. That would require <br />council approval. That’s what these are there is no additional appropriations in these budget <br />transfers. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Asked for questions from the Council for questions <br />seeing none. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Is there anyone wishing to speak in favor seeing no <br />one <br /> <br />In opposition- <br /> <br />Jesse Davis PO Box 10205 South Bend, IN- I just want him to clarify. I had found a line item <br />budget on here for a $158,000 for salt and winter materials. I would have already thought that <br />was in the budget that you had figured out. I want to know is that additional money they are <br />wanting for salt for this coming winter? <br /> <br />Eric Horvath- That is additional monies to buy salt this winter. So we have a stocked shed of salt <br />this winter. It usually goes over budget cycles and sometime it’s difficult to guess how much we <br />are going to need. We do the best we can on budgeting. We take an average of the previous <br />years. If we have a bad year, it is usually due to salt prices and the amount of salt you use. In the <br />previous year not only did we use a lot of salt but the salt prices continued to go up. We recently <br />rebid salt. We’ve got a price much more expensive than what we were buying it for but less than <br />the state QPA. It’s about as good of a price as we are going to get. This one-hundred and fifty- <br />eight dollars ($158) will be to buy salt for this coming winter. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis- Do you ever use our local weather forecaster to help you <br />anticipate what type of winter we are having? I do value their expertise. Do you use them to <br />forecast when it comes down to snow and salt? <br /> <br />Eric Horvath- We haven’t because there is so much variability and they’re going to be predicting <br />from a larger picture. There’s a lot of factors that we’re going to have in play. One is it could be <br />anteceding conditions, it could be the temperature at the particular time, it could be how many <br />small events do we get, do we have continue to put product down for, or is it just one really large <br />event. All those things factor into how we spread salt. We have a snow removal policy that we <br />follow and it’s pretty prescriptive so at certain temperatures we apply certain materials and at <br />29 <br /> <br /> <br />