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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />th <br />we are getting ready to talk on the 12 about trash rates going up. Instead of waiting five (5) <br />years to say we need nine percent (9%) this year, how do we say we need two percent (2%) <br />every year. We are in an era where we know city budgets are getting tight. We are having to <br />make infrastructure improvement we wouldn’t normally have to if we ready to ten (10) years <br />ago. We’ve kind of punted the ball a long time. We need to be planning on going forward. We <br />are going to have to start looking to make some tough decisions going forward in some very <br />critical areas. When talking about the diversity inclusion officer in terms of public safety. Police <br />officers make a very competitive first year wage as we start to promote them up the ranks we're <br />are not as competitive as cities our size. If we want to attract quality officers whether white or <br />Hispanic or African-American we have to make sure we take care of those who put their lives on <br />the line for us. It has to be reflected in the pay structure. Where we are at in terms of the 2016 <br />budget yes absolutely, we are trying to hit key demographics, which is better than I can say five <br />(5) or ten (10) years ago in this city. There are issues we’re getting that wouldn’t have five (5) to <br />ten (10) years ago. I applaud the effort to include more people. Keep asking the tough questions <br />not only where are we going in 2016 but where are we going in 2017, 2018 and keep that eye on <br />2020. Where we really know we are going to have some financial difficulties. And making sure <br />we take care of those who take care of us. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Is there anyone wishing to speak in opposition <br />seeing no one the public hearing is now closed. <br /> <br />Council Attorney advised the appropriate motion would be individual motions for each of the bills: <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion send the Bill 41-15 to be continued in the council <br />portion and set the third reading for October 12th. Councilmember Gavin Ferlic seconded the <br />motion which carried by a voice vote of seven (7) ayes. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott made a motion send the Bill 42-15 to be continued to the Council portion <br />and set the third reading for October 12th. Councilmember Dr. Ferlic seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of seven (7) ayes. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott made a motion to send the Bill 43-15 to be continued to the Council portion <br />and set the third reading for October 12. Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of seven (7) ayes. <br /> <br />nd <br />2 Reading on Bill 51-15 <br /> <br />Personnel and Finance Committee held a committee meeting on this bill. There was not a <br />quorum so we send this bill to the Council without a recommendation. <br /> <br />John Murphy (Controller) (Presenter) - Had a policy to amend our budgets frequently throughout <br />the year. This year we are doing it in March, June, September, and December. This appropriates <br />money in civil city funds and many of them are very small and we like to clean it up and make <br />sure we don’t wait until the end of the year. We discussed these at committee and look forward <br />to your favorable recommendation. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Asked for questions from the Council for questions <br />seeing none. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Is there anyone wishing to speak in favor of or in <br />opposition to, seeing no one the public hearing is now closed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dr. Ferlic made a motion to send Bill 51-15 to the Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. Councilmember Gavin Ferlic seconded the motion which carried by a voice <br />vote of seven (7) ayes. <br /> <br />nd <br />2 Reading on Bill 52-15 <br /> <br />Personnel and Finance Committee held a committee meeting on this bill. There was not a <br />quorum so we send this bill to the council without a recommendation. <br /> <br />28 <br /> <br /> <br />