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REGULAR MEETING MaV 9, 2016 <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston stated she questions the email that Councilmember <br />Scott read because everything Glenda Rae shared in her earlier emails and then even the first part <br />of the email sounds like the Commission has not made a decision. She made it clear the <br />Commission has not studied nor considered this specific bill or taken a position on it. Individuals <br />may have strong feelings one way or another. She also stated in an email that if the Council is <br />interested in the opinion of the Commission then the Council needs to understand they have not <br />taken a formal opinion on the matter. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott stated all he was doing is sending on the email he received. Lonnie <br />Douglas has been on TV with the media in favor of this and Fred Harris was part of crafting this <br />bill and has supported it. <br />Councilmember Williams- Preston expressed that from the original bill filed to what changes <br />were made in this substitute bill is a completely different experience. The sponsors have worked <br />very hard to reach out and talk to people to make positive changes. One of those changes she <br />appreciates is the reduction of fines which was a big concern for her. <br />Councilmember Scott thanked Councilmember Williams- Preston for that opinion because we <br />can respectfully disagree with issues and have civil discussion. <br />Councilmember Williams- Preston asked if they intended to add the language regarding the one <br />(1) year review into the actual bill itself. <br />Councilmember Scott responded it doesn't need to be in the actual bill itself just like all the other <br />committee meetings we hold. He stressed that he has done similar things with other ordinances <br />he has written and will absolutely do so as well with this bill. <br />Councilmember Williams- Preston stated it is something she would like to see in the bill and it is <br />an easy fix. She asked because we have a problem with contacting owners, how can they <br />successfully fill out the section of the registration asking for their code violations if they have not <br />been contacted and told if they have violations. <br />Councilmember Scott stated that was modeled following practices in Indianapolis and South <br />Bend has had similar language in other ordinances as well. The idea is if there are any issues that <br />are there they can be addressed immediately with Code Enforcement. He granted that <br />Councilmember Williams- Preston has a valid point regarding if the person does not know and <br />there may need to be an option to select unknown where the penalty would not apply. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden thanked the sponsors for addressing the questions and concerns <br />she did have with the original bill. <br />Councilmember Scott stated they did look into her suggestion of changing the name of the bill <br />but the Indiana Code uses the term "Landlord" and we wanted to be consistent. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked what is the rational of initially penalizing late fees because if <br />a person pays late on their federal or state taxes they simply pay the original amount plus a set <br />late fee. <br />Councilmember Scott responded the compromise there is that there is a thirty (30) day warning <br />period built into the bill so you have that time after the deadline before any penalties are <br />assessed. There are many different types of options related to the fees and this is what they <br />decided to go with. <br />Councilmember Davis asked what in this bill guards against aggressive enforcement. <br />Assistant City Attorney Tasha Reed Outlaw responded this bill addresses the fact that the City is <br />going to give them an opportunity to cure. Also, the City has the discretion to work with <br />individuals. <br />Councilmember Davis asked if the people in cases where aggressive enforcement was argued did <br />they have that cure provision. <br />