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REGULAR MEETING May 9, 2016 <br />work with businesses and landlords. We are not about the business of fining as many landlords <br />as possible, we want to build a positive relationship with landlords and keep the communication <br />open. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott stated at 2:55 p.m. today, Glenda Rae Hernandez sent an email stating <br />their support which was passed onto the Council. These are businesses within the City that are <br />used for - profit and the fines listed in this bill are five- hundred ($500) or less. According to the <br />U.S. Census, the average rental unit in South Bend is about seven - hundred and twenty -five <br />($725) dollars a month. The fines are pretty much less than one month's rent in most cases. This <br />is a simple registration, they provide their name, address, phone number, email and five ($5) <br />dollars total for as many properties as they own. <br />Councilmember Karen White expressed her support for the bill. The challenge we have is to <br />identify the landlords that are not responsive and this bill will serve as a tool to fix that problem. <br />Good landlords will not be penalized, at the end of the first year she would not only like to <br />review the status of the program but to also publicly celebrate those outstanding landlords we <br />have. The substitute version of this bill has really responded to the feedback on the penalties and <br />many changes have been made to make sure those penalties are reasonable. It is important for the <br />public to know that we are listening and we are making appropriate changes. Councilmember <br />White did state her reading of the email from the Human Rights Commission is that they do not <br />have an official position and would not be able to vote until May 18th 2016. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked Councilmember Tim Scott to read the entire email Glenda <br />Rae Hernandez sent. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott read the email from May 91h at 2:55 p.m.: Not directly. I know she <br />has made comments about it but it has never become an item of discussion nor has she asked to <br />have it put on the agenda. She is a past Chairperson but her opinion is strictly that - -her opinion. <br />Fred is a staff person but not a spokesperson for the Commission. Again he has never asked the <br />Commission for our consideration. I have a call in to Lonnie to discuss this with him further. I <br />also plan to contact the Tribune about their story saying we are in favor of it. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott also responded that Lonnie Douglas has spoken to the media publicly <br />about supporting the bill and Fred Harris has been active in crafting the bill. <br />Councilmembers were given an opportunity to ask questions. Chairperson Gavin Ferlic also <br />announced if a person is a landlord of a property within the City limits by the state definition it is <br />appropriate to make that disclosure. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston disclosed she does own one property which is rented. <br />Councilmember Williams- Preston asked if this bill would cover people who own properties and <br />let their family live there and only pay the utilities because many of those people do not consider <br />themselves as landlords. She also asked about those people who rent out their houses for Notre <br />Dame games only. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott responded that as far as rental property goes, its between the owner <br />and tenant on what the amount of rent owed is. If it's a rental property by state code then you <br />would have to register. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand read the state law definition of landlord. "The <br />owner, lessor or sub - lessor of a rental unit where the property of which the unit is a part or a <br />person authorized to exercise any aspect of the management of the premises including the person <br />who is directly or indirectly a) acts as a rental agent or b) receives rent or any part of the rent <br />other than as a modified purchaser. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott also responded that this bill does not address game day renters. <br />According to the IRS, if it is ten (10) percent or less of the year it is not considered a rental unit. <br />If a single family home is rented out for one day, the owner still lives there and that person can <br />be tracked down if you have an issue. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski-Farrand reported that she did send to the Council and the City Clerk <br />the IRS definition of a renter. <br />7 <br />