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r: <br />pzu•ks. playgrounds, and other public pwposes under thr. rcdevcloprncr,rt plan f2x~ rl'te Area; atui <br />«HEI2I:AS, lists have hereEOfore teen prepared indicaCing! that nu parcels of property are <br />propi~.~ed to he ucyuized wittuu the area, and thenlure. than no appraiszds bare been Cnadei~Fthe fair <br />market value of any parccl.+ in the t~'ca ai Chic tine; :n~td <br />4VHF:ItI;AS, there was presented to this of the Conunission for its consideration <br />and apl?rinrai, a copy oC the development phut for dtc Area, dated Nov~embcr 17.2003, eeltich plain <br />is eutitleel "Nortl~ast Neighborhood llevek~ptnent Area Plat" ("Plan") tts proposed by this <br />I)dclaratorv Res~?lutir~iu dated Nuveniber 17, 2003, ~onsistulg of 3~t pages and 2 exhibits curd <br />~'!'Ii11REAS, the Cnunnission has, u~ a meetint? held ttvs day and c3pen to tlra public, head <br />evidence mad reviewed the maps anti plats l:acseuted at the u'~etuag~ and considered sauna. <br />\Ci~1', THI;REI;OI2E, Br IT RESt7L~EI7 SI' 1'IIIs SOi?'I'II I3F:tii) <br />12EDLV~Lf)1'~IEN`I' {'01i1IISSIO\. A5 I+OLL(l~4'S: <br />1. Thr Conutrission now declares the Northeast Nc:igCttxarhood Deeek.rpment urea <br />",~re,a"} which rs de.scril7ed n~ the fourth WtI1 KFAS clause akxrve, a~ blighted and cletericrratec! and <br />::~ meuacc~ try the social :zrCd ~eonozitie interests of the City of Sr~uth Iieud and iCS irthabitants attd that <br />it will tie of pu171ic utility <md bcuetiC to acquire real estake amd ituprorements in rite Area <md tt? <br />rcclcv;-.lop tbe. Ards udder the Act. <br />?. l iir. Nortlteat Nrightx~rhorrd I)evelopu?eut Arta ['Ian ("Phut") pniposeel k?y this <br />I:)e~clearatary Resohrtiou of Noremkur 17; 2(?03 and its attached tre:retc> and incorpoz'atcd trerein, is <br />hen~by atpproved subject to a Confirmatory Rcsohrtion after a duly caiicd meeting. <br />,_ The prevuxatil; prepared mtps .utd plat sho~img the buundaCrie~ of Che \~c.,.t, Cl1c <br />I~,ctiti<,n of the various of property. streets, alleys, <utd othu tear.uiee utteeung Che. <br />ucyuisitiun, clearance, repl<rtturg, replatutiu~, rezrming ur redevclapment i~f the l~za, n~dicating any <br />parcels of prtrpei7y to he excluded From accµtisitiou, and indicating the pans of the Area to he <br />devoted u'~ ptrhltc av~.ty~s. levees, sewerage, p~u•ks, plu}grounds, and ether public purpi~ses under titer <br />Plan aue'by approved. <br />4. 7`hr~ previously prepared list indicatinz that there are no parcels o#' property within <br />the area tit ha acquired ar' the present time avid is hereby ,approved. <br />~. The estimated cost of auluiring property in the Area, as determined by r<akinr the <br />rvcra~cr iri`CCVO (2) separ are appraisals made by independent appraisers, is ~O.OQ is hereby approved_ <br />6. ht deterutining the location and rite extent ~~F the Area proposed t« tie acquired Fier <br />roderch~pneat, the Conunissirva ha; ~.!ieeu consideration Co transitional and permanent provisions <br />tar idcgt.iatr housing for residents of the ;area who will fx displaced by tl'tis reclevelopmrrtt l~r~?_lecC. <br />wind dre Connunsion taerehy adopts the Northenst'veizrhlnn'hix?et Relocation Policy as thu policy by <br />• <br />16 <br />