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• <br />uhicli ii~~~ C.xnmissinn will her ruideii in prnvidim~ h~~r such ~~crums dis~ilaccd by the acliini (~i~ tlte~ <br />C~nnirissinn <br />IiE IT FURT~IER i'tTr50L'~%ID that all proceedings related to the redevelopment of the <br />herein described area shall he referred to as the Northr.ast ~~eigh}x~rhoud DeveluPrrtent ,Area- <br />BE I~i' 1+'C'~ttTt1ER RESQL~'Ell that ttu; redeveloptzlent ofthe _Rrea sha11 tie u~ accordance <br />~~.~ittt the Rturtheast Neightxxhood Development Area Plan. <br />lIE I'I` AI,~RO I2ESOL~'ET?, Chat tfie Gaantussiou pnsposes the followui~a i'uadin~s subject <br />u~ cuniirmcstion after a duly called pulific ntettutg: <br />i. F3ttsed upon evidence submitted to the Contmis5ioit, the C«tsnnission finds <br />and detea~ntne.s that there i5 a substantial presetrce in the area designated as the <br />N~~rtheast Ncighlwekood llecelopment Arezi {-Area";) of excessive vacant lanes, <br />abttndotred ur vacamt buildings, i>ki buildings, excessive vactuu ies, serbstaiidaril <br />structures, cleterioratu~~> iufi tistnicture, and lack of utltasn ucturc sufticieut ro supl~>ort <br />redevek~ptnent of the Aretr. <br />ii. Thte Conv~lissum further rinds that the ;1rca is hii~=bred and a~nsritutcs a <br />m~~ttacc. to the; si.~cial and economic interest t~f the. City of South Bend tmd it, <br />inhabitants, noes it will t>o of publte utility and benefit to acuuue land within suctr <br />At•ea and to redecelol~~ it under the Ai~t. <br />iii. The assessed value of the real property of the, Area when added to f.hc <br />assessed vttlut; of the real Properly Jr,cat~d in all tede:velopmettt area, doe; not <br />exceed twenty percent ("~Ou'~) of the total ussi sed vuhte of the real property located <br />in the City of Scnrd] Bead. <br />iv. The Nurthetut Neistltlx~rh~nxl Deveh~pntent Area Plan ("Plan°i fir the Area <br />will result iu the drnx.ili€ion aud27r selective deuu~litiou and reuse ut hliglued <br />struetutzs_ .1lleviatiug tress blight turd its bligltiing utftuenec is proJccte:d to be a <br />oattdyst to ongoing and Yuture development in the Arent. <br />v. The Plus for the .Area drliitcatcs lire (5) Sub-Areas to he known a~ ii) the <br />t3ddy Street Cotrntiercial Redeveh~pment Area (ii) the Ge~~reiana-Talbot Residential <br />Redeve:Iopuient Area; (sill the Nome~iwnership Prese;n~ation ,Area; (iv.) The SC. <br />Joseph Regional ~~Iedical Center Rcdcvcloptrrent area; uud (v) the'l~adison Center <br />Campus Housing and Conmtercial Rcdeveh>pment :area. <br />vi. The Plan fr~r• the Arca cannot he achieved without the dcsizuation of the ^s~ea <br />as a rede;veloprnent area txeuusc of stagnated ur depressed levels of private <br />investment within the Area trod because of the existence of hliahted conditions as <br />`t 1 <br />`_ J <br />17 <br />