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~ 11~~~, <br />• ~ f, <br />ui;soLlrrloN No. ~{Iii <br />.1 RI+;SL)1.t,"'PION OF THE SOL'TII BEND REDI1~'EL()PIIF,NT C()1IntISSiON <br />DESK~NA7'INL= THE NORTHE:IS'I' NEIGHBORHUUD I)EVELOI'12ENT AREA, <br />1)EL:I.ARING THE NOK1"HI3AS'I' NE;IGHBORHt)(~D 1)I+;VE;LUI?~VIEN'I' AREA Tt) Br~ <br />81,1{~H'T'ED, AP'1'ROVING A DEVELt)POIENT PLA\' AND CONDITIONS UNDER <br />F'VHICH RF;LOCATION PAI'?~IENTS WILL BE MADE, AND ESTABLISHING AN <br />ALL()t'A'I'I()N AREA FOR PURPOSES OF TAX INC12E1IEN'Ir~L FINANCING <br />V1~HEREAS, the South Bend Rr_developm~".nt Commission ("Con[mission'"} is tide 5over~lvng <br />txxl} of the ,South Bend, Indiana De~lartmeut of Redevelopment ("Department"j and exists and <br />~Iperates under the provisions of huiiana Code ~ 36-7-14-1, er seq.. as amended frozii tirrx.-to-rilile <br />(":~ct~'i: and <br />WHEREAS, the I~epaitnx:nt has conducted m~zstigati{>ns, studies <inll sun~eys of various <br />P~(ightcd and deteriorated areas within the City of South Bend. htdiana, aril of the cruses <br />contiihutinc to such blight and deterioration; ruui <br />WHEREAS, such im~estigatii~ns, studies and surveys ha~~e Cu~en made in aniperatiou ~~-iih <br />the aartuus dchurtri~nts ani hvdies of the City :xltd hatve peen directed Inward detenniuuig the <br />hrr~prr Ilse of lulxl alid intprovenu~nts thereon so u.~ to hest serve the interests of the City arid. its <br />rte,,'.:? [etildC'll[4: anti <br />1VHEREA5, die Departl7lent htis investigated, studied and surveyed that area within the <br />C`irv ut' South Bend hereby desi~tuated as the "Northeast Nei~~htxirhoud Development Area". and <br />~hr. t area h t~ulrc particularly described in F_xhibit "A" atru;hed hereto and incolpilrated herein: <br />u,~.E <br />WIIFREAS, the Area consists of approximately 616 ucrrs and is contiguous quid anxpact <br />;~ n:.l <br />~~'FiER1+:AS, as <! result of its im~estigatiuns, studies and stn ceys, the Coln[nisiun ha, ti~un~l <br />that r,Vic Area heretnti~rc dascritx;d avs the Northeast Neighborhood C~evelopment ~'lrea (",4rea") is <br />i>lighted and deteriorated. Specilicatly, the .aria i~ plighted to au extent that ,uch bligli[ing <br />~xnlditions canu~?t txi° corrected by regulatot'y process or by the ordinary operations of private <br />cntea~l~n'ise ~eithout ltsurt to the provisions of the Act and that the public health and welfare would <br />hr henetitted hq aciluisition in and redcwelopment of sucht Area tuuler thr provisions of die let and <br />~'t'IIEREAS. the Conunissiun has hereulfiire caused t~~ be prepared map, and plats showinl± <br />the noundaries of thl~ ,4rea, the location of various parcels of property, strrets, Itlleys, ant other <br />Icatules aftf:eting the ua{nisi?ion, clearincc, replotting, replannuag, reclining or re.drvekipment of <br />the .Arco, indicating that, at this tune, no parcels of prupcrt}• in the Area will (x: acquired by tlte° <br />C hlnrnision. alid the parts ni~ Ule :area that m~e to t><~ dcvotrtd to public ways, levees, sewerage, <br />• <br />15 <br />