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• <br /> Section 27. Driving to ,Left ontreet Car. -- It shall be <br /> unlawful to drive to the left of any moving or standing street ear <br /> headed in the same direction, except where street cars are operated <br /> upon rails to the extreme side of the travelled highway. <br /> Section 28. Additional rules for Vehicles at intersections. -- <br /> Vehicles approaching intersections, not under traffic signal control, <br /> where the view is obstructed shall slow down, and at all intersections <br /> every vehicle shall at all times be under the driver' s control. <br /> No vehicle shall pass another going in the same direction at <br /> any street intersection, nor shall any vehicle pass another vehicle <br /> going in the same direction on any curve where full view of the <br /> street ahead is obscured. <br /> Section 29. Slowly moving vehicles to keep to right. -- <br /> Slowly moving or heavily laden vehicles shall keep as near the right <br /> hand side of the travelled roadway as possible , allowing more rapid <br /> moving vehicles free passage to their left. <br /> Section 30. motor Vehicles following other Vehicles too closely-H <br /> The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more <br /> closely than is reasonable and prudent having due regard for the speed <br /> of such vehicles and the traffic upon and condition of the street. <br /> Section 31. That to do on approach of Police of Fire De- <br /> partment Vehicle. -- Upon the approach of any Police or fire Department <br /> vehicle or vehicles giving audible signal by bell, siren, or other signal <br /> device, the driver of every other vehicle shall immediately drive the <br /> same toaa position as near as possible and parallel to the right hand <br /> side of the street, clear of any street intersection, and remain in such <br /> position unless otherwise directed by a police or traffic officer or <br /> until the police og fire department vehicle or vehicles shall have passed. <br /> Section 32. Following Fire Department Vehicle. -- It shall be <br /> unlawful for the driver of any vehicle other than one on official <br /> business to follow any fire apparatus traveling in response to a fire <br /> alarm closer than 500 feet or to drive into or park such fehicle with- <br /> in the block where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a fire alarm. <br /> Section 33. Left side of Vehicle to curb. -- It shall be <br /> • -11- <br />