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Olive Street, west side, from Huron Street to Grace Street. <br /> 'Putt Street, north side, from Michigan Street to eastern <br /> terminus of Tutt Street. <br /> Lafayette Boulevard, east side, from Bartlett Street to <br /> Riverside Drive. <br /> On any rifler bridge within the city, provided that parking <br /> shall be permitted on the north side of each the Colfax <br /> Avenue and the LaSalle Avenue bridges. <br /> All traffic on Leland Avenue and Riverside Drive from the . <br /> intersection with California Avenue to and including the <br /> turn northwest on Riverside Drive shall slow down, and the <br /> Board of -Jafety is directed to erect Caution Signs at such <br /> points. <br /> Section 21. Signs, Signals and Street Markings. -- The Board <br /> of Public Safety shall cause to be placed and maintained official signs, <br /> signals and street markings at places and points where necessary and <br /> practicable for the guidance, instruction and Regulation of drivers and <br /> pedestrians conformable to the provisions of this ordinance, and such <br /> signs, signals, directions and markings shall be observed and complied <br /> with. Vehicles shall be parked wholly within the pavement markings <br /> designating where and how the same shall be parked. <br /> Distinct colors for marking the curb shall be used to dis- <br /> tinguish severally between Loading Zones, Waiting Zones, and the No- <br /> Parking spaces specified in Section 5. <br /> No-parking zones and restrictions, as provided in Section 5, <br /> shall not be diminished as to territory embraced but may be enlarged <br /> by the Board of Public Safety if safety or traffic conditions require. <br /> Where a building is in process of construction, rebuilding or <br /> rep4,i.ring, such that occupancy of part of the travelled roadway thereby <br /> become necessary, and a pErmit so to do is granted, or in any case of <br /> emergency requiring that the safety of the highway and traffic upon it <br /> be protected, the Board of Public Safety shall cause No-parking cones <br /> or spaces to be marked off or properly designated by signs, and such <br />{ spaces thus properly marked or designated shall not be utilized for <br /> parking. <br /> Section 22. Unofficial Traffic Signs--Defacing Signs. -- It <br /> shall be unlawful for any person to erect or display any unauthorized <br /> -9- <br />