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R: +?euR£^�5 �.12 ''s4°"rFr�t.x.S3'aKF.B�SFSs�• ,•v.Ce"e'lss^s. ;.a�..._ -.x:'a"../.'�•.?d't3rt<aK -n .jca . �. :+vwra.rtrs.a�isw� <br /> a <br /> • <br /> without procuring a license as hereizl provided; but such driver <br /> lj <br /> t shall not solicit business on the streets of the City of South Bend <br />✓ or otherwise operate within the City of South Bend without a license <br /> within the provisions of this ordinance. <br /> is <br /> 1 Each issue of a driver's license must have the following <br /> t qualifications and comply with the following conditions: <br /> k (a) Be competent to drive and operate an automobile and <br /> have procured a chauffeur's license under the laws of the State <br /> I of Indiana; <br /> a (b) Be a citizen of the United States of America or have, <br /> within six years next preceding, declared his intention to be- <br /> come such; <br /> 1 Ar <br /> v. (c) Be of the age of (iii) years or over, and a <br /> resident of the City of South Bend for at least Three (3) months <br /> next preceding the Application; <br /> t. <br /> z (d) Be of sound physique and good eyesight, and not subject <br /> t to epilepsy, vertigo, heart trouble or any other infirmity of <br /> body or mind which might render him unfit for the operation of a <br /> taxicab; <br /> 4 <br /> (e) Be able to read, write and speak the English language; <br />, <br /> (f) Be clean in dress and person and language, and not ad- <br />. - <br /> s <br /> t dieted to the use of intoxicating liquors or drugs; <br /> (g) Produce, on forms to be provided by the City Controller, <br /> affidavits of his good character from two responsible citizens <br /> of South Bend who have known him personally and observed his con- <br /> duct during three (3) months next preceding the date of his applica- <br /> tion; and affidavits of two responsible citizens of said City <br /> stating in substance that they have observed the applicant drive <br /> an automobile, and that he has demonstrated, in their opinion, <br /> skill and ability to safely handle the same by driving through a <br /> t' traffic congested section of the City. <br /> i <br /> (h) Fill out, upon a blank form to be provided by the City <br /> Controller, a- statement giving his full name, present residence, <br /> place of residence for .Five (5) years previous thereto, age, color, <br /> height, color or eyes, year and place of birth, length of time he <br /> Y has resided in the City, place of previous employment, whether <br /> married_or single, how long he has driven an automobile, whether_ <br /> t he has ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor or been <br />✓ found guilty of violation of any traffic laws or speed laws of any <br /> t City or State; whether he has been licensed previously as a driver <br /> or chauffeur and, if so, where and where, whether his license has <br /> s ever been revoked and for what cause; which statement shall be signed <br /> N and sworn to by the applicant and filed with the City Controller as <br /> a permanent record. <br /> S. <br /> s ,SECTION As - pISAUALIFICATIONS.. - No,license shall be issued to <br /> any person under the provisions of this ordinance, who has been con- <br /> s <br /> victed of a felony within Five (5) years next preceding the applications, <br /> 1 <br /> or more than Three (3) violations of traffic laws or speed laws of any <br /> state or any city within Five (5) years next preceding the application; <br /> and no license shall be issued to any person who has not had at least <br /> - 3 <br />