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i' <br /> Bend which has been set apart and designated as herein provided for <br /> tts the use of taxicabs, as herein defined, while awaiting employment <br /> for hire. <br /> (g) The term, "taxicab," as used in <br />:s <br /> this ordinance, means every automobile or motor propelled vehicle, <br /> with a seating capacity of seven (7) passengers or less, used for <br /> the transportation of passengers over the public streets of the City <br /> of South Bend, for pay or hire, and not over a defined route, ir- <br /> r, respective of whether such operations extend beyond the limits of <br /> said•City, the business of which is solicited or obtained on the <br /> gV public streets, or which is subject to call from a garage or other <br /> A <br /> established place of business, the trip of which vehicle and/or its <br /> h <br /> destination are fixed by the person or persons hiring the same. <br /> (g) The term, "taxicab license," as used <br /> in this ordinance, means a written permit granted by the City of <br /> South Bend, through its City Controller, to any person, firm, co- <br /> partnership or corporation to own, operate and keep for hire any <br /> taxicab in said City, issued pursuant to the provisions of this or- <br /> dinance. <br /> (h) The term, "driver' s license," as used <br /> in this ordinance, means a written permit granted by the City of <br /> South Bend, through its City Controller, to any person to drive upon <br /> the streets of said City any licensed taxicab, issued pursuant to <br /> the provisions of this ordinance. <br /> SECTION 3. - DRIVER'S LICENSE. - No person shall drive a taxi- <br /> cab, and no person, firm, co-partnership or corporation shall permit <br /> any agent or employee to drive any taxicab under his or its control, <br /> 4 within the City of South Bend unless such driver has first obtained <br /> a dtiver' s license under the provisions of this ordinance. Provided <br /> s that any driver habitually operating a taxicab in any other muni- <br /> 1 <br /> cipality may carry passengers from said municipality to any place or <br /> point within the City of South Bend and may freely enter and temporarily <br /> travel upon the streets and thoroughfares thereof for that purpose, <br /> - 2 - <br />