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4 <br />/w <br /> . <br /> f <br /> 1 <br /> g Twelve (12) months pxperience in operating a motor vehicle. <br /> i <br /> SECTION 5i, - DRIVER'S LICENSE FEE. - The applicant applying for <br /> i <br /> ta driver's license shall, before issuance thereof, pay into the City <br /> treasury the sum of Three (3) Dollars. <br /> f <br /> SECTION 6. - ISSUANCE OF LICENSE. - Upon satisfactory fulfillment <br /> of the foregoing requirements, it shall be the duty of the City <br /> 4 Controller to issue each applicant a driver's license, which shall <br /> S be in such form as to contain a blank space for the signature of <br /> Ithe licensee and a blank space upon which arecord may be made of any <br /> arrest or conviction of, or complaint against said licensee, and such <br /> license shall' be signed by the licensee in the presence of the City <br /> Controller. Each driver' s license shall be$signed by the city Control- <br /> ler or his deputy and sealed with the seal of the City Controller, and <br /> such license shall have upon it a number to be selected by said City <br /> Controller, by which said license shall thereafter be designated and <br />} <br /> known. Any licensee who defaces, removes, or obliterates any official <br /> t entry made upon his license shall, in addition to any other punishment <br /> f imposed by this ordinance, have his license revoked as hereinafter pro.- <br /> P <br /> y vided. The City Controller shall keep aregister in which shall be <br /> listed the names of all persons to whom licenses are granted, the date <br /> when issued, the number of each license, and any additional data which <br /> in his judgment may seem necessary. <br /> p <br /> i SECTION 1,, - TERM OF LICENSE. Driver' s licenses shall be is- <br /> sued as of January 1st of each and every year, and shall be valid to <br /> and including December 31st, next preceeding.The City Controller shall, <br /> upon the fulfillment of the requirements necessary to obtain the <br /> k <br /> original license, cause the renewal of a driver's license from year to <br /> 0: <br /> year by endorsing thereon, "License renewed until the 31st day of <br /> December, 19 ," and for each renewal said licensee shall pay into <br /> the City Treasury the sum of Two (2) Dollars. <br /> SECTION 6. - pRIVER'S S,ADGE. - There shall be delivered to each <br />'t licensed driver a metal badge of such form and style as the City <br /> i <br /> Controller may prescribe, with his license number thereon, which <br /> badge must, under penalty of revocation of the license, be constantly <br /> - 4 - <br />