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• <br /> is two hundred sixtyQeeven and twenty-nine hundredths <br /> (267,29) feet west of the center line of Nancy Street; <br /> thence by a curve to the left having a radius of two <br /> hundred sixty and fifty-four hundredths (260. 54) feet <br /> to a point on a line which is located six and seventy- <br /> five hundredths (6.75) feet net of and parallel to <br /> the venter line of Nancy Street; thence north along <br /> said parallel line a distance of approximately <br /> seventeen hundred sixty-six (1765) feet to the north <br /> line of arumstown Road; thence by a curve to the <br /> right having a radius of seven hundred sixteen old <br /> twenty-five hundredths (716.. 25) feet a distance <br /> of approximately one hundred eighty (180) feet to <br /> the west line of a strip of land owned by the <br /> Chicago, South Shore and South Bend Railroad; thence <br /> northwardly through the lands of the Chioago, South <br /> Shore and South Send Railroad to the south line of <br /> Lincoln Way Test, which point ,e approximately forty <br /> (40) feet east of the west line of said property <br /> which line is also the east line of Section Four (4) , <br /> Township Thirty-seven (37) North, Range Two (2) Raet <br /> onto property if the Chicago, South Shore and South <br /> Bend Railroad to a point on the north line of Lincoln- <br /> , way West which point is also eastwardly approximately <br /> fifty(50) feet from the east line of Section your (4) . <br /> a and to carry passengers, freight, merchandise, baggage, express <br /> and the United States mail on and along its said street rail- <br /> road, interurban street railroad and suburban street railroad <br /> ti <br /> line. <br /> Section 3. That said track shall be so constructed <br /> across said streets, alleys, roads and highways as not to inter- <br /> fere with the free use of the streets, alleys, roads and high- <br /> ays interseoted and in such manner as to afford security for <br /> ire and property and the Railroad shell restore said streets, <br /> lleys, roads and highways to their former state, or in a <br /> uffioient manner not to unnecessarily impair their usefulness. <br /> Section 3. That the trolley wires Shall be suspended <br /> t a height of not less than eighteen and one-half feet above <br /> he raise of said track. The said trolley wires shall be sus- <br /> ended from span wires, cross arms or supports attached to sub- <br /> Untie' wood, iron or steel poles or similar structures at • <br /> ..2,. <br /> • <br />