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. <br /> z <br /> �p <br /> THIS ACREETERT, dated this /o7h. day of October, <br /> 1929, made and entered into by and between the City of South <br /> send, Indiana, acting by and through its Board of Publics <br /> works, Party of the First Part, herein sometimes called the <br /> "City" and Chicago, South Shore and South Bend Railroad, a <br /> corporation created and organised under the laws of the State <br /> of Indiana, Party of the Second Part, herein sometimes called <br /> the "Railroad," BITSSETB; <br /> Section 1. That consent is hereby given by the City <br /> to the Railroad to locate, construct, maintain and operate <br /> its single railroad track, including poles, supports, span wires, <br /> trolley wires, transmission and feed wires, telephone and <br /> telegraph wires, guys, braces, fixtures, appliances and appurte- <br /> nanoes used in the operation of its railroad, over, upon and <br /> across Woodland Avenue, Westmoor Avenue, Nancy Street, <br /> Crumstown Road, and Lincoln Way - West, and all other public <br /> streets, alleys, roads and highways not specifically named <br /> but which are intersected by the proposed route, the seater line <br /> of which is `approximately as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the west corporation line <br /> in the City of South Bend which is located approxi- <br /> mutely two hundred seventy (270) feet .north from the <br /> north right of way line of the Chicago, South Bend <br /> and Northern Indiana Railway Coroany; thence in a <br /> northwesterly direction by a straight line approx <br /> i- <br /> mately one hundred twent five (125) feet to a point; <br /> t; <br /> thence by. a curve having a radius of five hundred <br /> seventy•three and fourteen hundredths- (373.14) feet <br /> a distance of approximately three hundred ten (310) <br /> `feet to a point on a line nix and seventy-five <br /> hundredths (8.75) feet north of and parallel to the <br /> center line of W eetmore It. , which point is also <br /> four hundred (400) feet east of the west corpora- <br /> tion line of the City :of South Bend measured along <br /> said parallel line; thence east along the said <br /> parallel line a distance of approximately thirty- <br /> three hundred three (3303) feet to a point which <br />