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least as substantial and safe. Poles and supports for said <br /> wires, when boosted in the street, shall be placed adjacent to <br /> the curb line of the street, Consent and permission is also <br /> given to the Railroad to connect its said wires with its power <br /> houses, stations, substations, transmission lines and sources <br /> of electric supply. <br /> Section 4. The Railroad may make all necessary open- <br /> ings in said streets, alleys, roads and highways for the pur- <br /> poses aforesaid and when making such openings and construoting <br /> or repairing its said track on and across said streets, alleys, <br />" roads and highways, it shall by signal and otherwise do all <br /> things necessary to protect the public from injury, and to pre- <br /> vent any injury to persons or to property, and shall save and <br /> hold harmless said City from all damages, eons and expenses <br /> which said City shall be compelled to pay as the result of any <br />'rr default, oareleseness or neglect of the Railroad in the con- <br /> struotion, maintenance and operation of its said track on and <br /> Ig <br /> across said streets, as hereby authorized and permitted, pro- <br />.r <br /> vided, however, that said City shall promptly notify the Railroad <br /> of any suit brought against said City. , <br /> Section 5. This agreement shall constitute an indeter.- <br /> minete permit under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of <br /> the Public Service Commission law of the State of Indiana, and <br /> in the event of the repeal of said law this agreement shall <br /> extend for and during the term of twenty-five (25) years from <br /> and after the date that the repeal thereof becomes effective, <br /> but it is expressly agreed between the parties hereto that the <br /> ie <br /> permit and authority hereby granted to said Railroad is not and <br /> shall not be exclusive in said Railroad except as to the parte <br /> of the streets, roads, ways, avenues and highways herein <br /> mentioned actually occupied b. the track of said Railroad under <br /> Y A by <br /> -3- <br />