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0 <br />AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMi'tTIT, Made this 10th day of November, 1930, <br />between the CI'T'Y OF SOUTH BEND by and through its Board of Public <br />Safety,.and the citizens of the Torn of Ardmore, by and through the <br />undersigned aommi,ttee..sioting ,ao their agQnt <br />THAT ZA3;0 the City of South Bend is a municipal oor- <br />potation in the State of Indiana and is a City of the second class <br />and as such maintains and operates a Fire Department. And, <br />WHEREAS, the Town.of Ardmore# an unincorporated village in <br />-the State of Indiana, is; located nearly contiguous to the said City of <br />South Bend# and the said oitizens thereof desire to have certain pro- <br />teotion from the said City of South Bend. <br />TIiEREFORE, It is agreed by and between said City and the <br />citizens art said Town that the.said City shall answer fire alarms and <br />fire calls of the citizens of said Town with its chemical engine and <br />with sufficient men to properly manage the same, and that said City of <br />South Bend by its said Fire. Department will do everything within its <br />means to properly protect buildings and structures in said Town from <br />damage and loss by fire. <br />The fire protection which the said City shall give the citizens <br />of said Town shall be confined to an-area bounded on the North by the <br />Chain 0 Lakes Road, on the..East by the City limits of South Bend, on the <br />South by the Now York Central Railroad tracks and on the Hest by the <br />West side;of the bulldin& lots abutting on the Nest side of Portage <br />Road <br />Ft ia._understood, however, that the said City of South Benda <br />eica i ' ntst °be 3isble for negligence, of its- firemen or any of its agents <br />to either said Town or any of its citizens, and that the obligation of <br />said City under this contract to said Town and its citizens shall be <br />the same only as. is, imposed bylaw upon said City to render fire pro- <br />tection to citizens and residences of the said City of South Bend. <br />