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It is further agreed that if at the time a fire alarm is <br />omr=ioated from said Town of Ardmore to the Fire Department of said <br />City the said chemical engine is in service answering a cell in the <br />said City of South Bendt that the City shall not be obligated to <br />furnish said chemical for putting out a fire in said Town. <br />And in consideration of said servioeo the citizens of said <br />Town herewith pay the sum of One hundred Fifty Dollars ($150,00)0 <br />receipt of which in hereby acknowledged by said City of South Bend. <br />This contract shall begin from the time it is executed by <br />said Board and said Committee and is finally ratified by the Compton <br />Council of the City of South Bend and shall continue in force for one <br />year from the date of its taking effect. <br />IN WIT.N 3 McREOFt the said parties have hereunto sect their <br />hands on the date first above mentioned, in duplicate. <br />CITY V OUTIi BEND,,,-TkDIAN9 <br />Board of Public Safety. <br />CITIZENS OF <br />TOWN OF ARDMORF, PTDIA -Mt <br />