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REGULAR MEETING JULY 13, 2015 <br />into some lawsuits that we've done and then wonder why we get into lawsuits, oh that wasn't the <br />right way to do it. Now we can do it correctly. Which leads us to the moral issues, if we have <br />people who can go to these places and get $10/hr. Let's be very careful for setting salaries for <br />our season workers and setting up a program based on two (2) companies already applying for <br />this gives them the unfair advantage. If you set up a job based on someone's resume. Whoever <br />has the resume has the greatest chance of getting the job, that's when we get into discriminatory <br />issues in the past. Not everything in Chicago has worked, so we need to look at that too. I don't <br />get caught up with the names of bigger cities as we do a lot of things right, right here in South <br />Bend that Chicago needs to learn. For us to do this as a Council we have to make sure that we are <br />doing this right. When we talk about grass let's look at some roots. So if the roots aren't' right <br />then everything dies. <br />(Councilmember Schey returned to the meeting) <br />Councilmember Mr. Ferlic — I think this is great. Thank you for your work. Thank you Karen, <br />thank you Dr. Ferlic, and thank you Tim. <br />Councilmember White — I would like to say this is a resolution, like all of the resolutions that we <br />have had, it is a beginning, and it is a conversation. Each councilmember has been invited to sit <br />down and draw up the RFQs, again we would establish the guidelines, the process will be handled <br />through the office of code. We do have a capacity issue and has been that way for years, since <br />I've been on this council, we always talked about the needs for the yards to be cut. This is just one <br />step to begin to address a bigger issue. I would hope that other councilmembers would work with <br />other councilmembers to begin to establish what the standards would look like. It is an opportunity <br />for us to work together to move forward and as Dr. Varner had indicated it will soon be August <br />and we will be out of this particular season and we will be talking about the next issue which will <br />be snow removal. <br />Council President Scott —Thank you all for listening. I appreciate your comments. <br />Councilmember Dieter —Thank you to the sponsors for this bill. It is very an interesting subject <br />matter that a lot of people had input. Dr. Ferlic eludes that it is a program but it's not a program <br />it's an idea. The issues that I have with the idea so far, who's going to be the person in charge as <br />to what other councilmembers refer to as the criteria. If we are going to talk about the youth, again <br />I know it's a resolution when I am asking people in committee meetings and people are pointing <br />to different people. I am very concerned that once it gets out of our hands and it turns over to a <br />different entity that we are out of the picture. Having rules in place, I can see half a dozen if not <br />more companies that have come under the window of mentoring youth that have taken money that <br />was supposed to go towards youth. I didn't see anything so far for when company A comes in. <br />Are they going to guarantee that 70% of the money goes to the kids that are actually doing the <br />work? Let's say we have a company that does great at cutting grass but there's no mentorship <br />program or another company that does great at mentoring but terrible when it comes to grass <br />cutting, they leave the sidewalk a mess and the trimmings out there. Are we looking for low - <br />income kids, or parents that just want their kids to have something to do? That's the concern that <br />I'm going to have. If this is a process like our attorney says once it's a resolution and it goes <br />farther, it goes to a whole different department to run this, I want to make sure when we have the <br />questions we are asking. I would be concerned having a young group of boys with a 16 year old <br />girl cutting grass without any female leadership to make sure everything is ok. That is one of the <br />questions, the intent. The idea, Dr. Ferlic, is awesome to get the lawns cut. But if we are talking <br />about 895 lawns getting cut five (5) times that is very close to 5,000 cuts. Then if we are going to <br />roll company a, b, and c, if the bidding process is such are we going with the lowest bidder are we <br />going with everybody that bids. I want to support this and I probably will there are just a lot of <br />questions that I have The community has the right to know, what's going. As I mentioned half <br />a dozen entities that are supposed to help youth take 75% of funds for administration cost. So <br />again I like the idea and I hope the process will be ongoing. But I am certainly leery of this moving <br />33 <br />