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REGULAR MEETING JULY 13, 2015 <br />Councilmember Davis, Jr. — Our issue is not our youth not having anything to do. Our issue is <br />the adults that are in leadership are not paying attention to our kids that are invisible to us. The <br />other issue is the Parks department and Code Enforcement can't handle, which is the biggest <br />issue, we have had three (3) Code Enforcement directors in three (3) years how can this city do <br />anything at a high level when leadership is constantly changing, nothing against Randy. Then <br />we have a new code enforcer director in a high volume area, why would you put a rookie in an <br />area that requires an all -star. Those things start from the top to the bottom. It is not about the <br />youth component, I get the youth component. Over 50% of African American youth are <br />unemployed that look like me, I get that. One (1) out of three (3) black males has a high chance <br />of going to jail, I get that as well. If our kids and our youth are so important to us why can't <br />every company that comes before us just like they come before us earlier today, have a standard <br />on how things are going to be done that's if they are important. There is an opportunity right <br />now to put in a standard. Put the standard in there. I would be more comfortable to vote with a <br />criteria in place rather than just saying aye and hoping that it just might happen. My last point is <br />that a request for quotes goes through the Mayor's office, if I'm correct. If there is a quote under <br />the amount of $250,000 that means the request for quote can be subjected to whatever the <br />Mayor's office thinks is the best quote. I could be wrong.... Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski- <br />Farrand interjected Mr. Davis, at the committee meeting this afternoon we went over the process. <br />Legally the council can only make recommendations that Mr. Wilkerson would be drafting <br />according to the state law and title V. Councilmember Davis, Jr. asked so again in that case you <br />get three (3) quotes, who gets to say yay or nay? Council attorney Kathy Cekanski- Farrand <br />stated that upon all three (3) meeting the criteria set forth in the RFQ, then they will have them <br />on a rotating basis. Upon completion of a job a picture will need to be taken of the before and <br />after. Councilmember Davis responded so we still don't have any criteria on this and that's my <br />concern. <br />(Councilmember Schey stepped out of the meeting) <br />Councilmember Dr. Ferlic —This isn't rocket scientist we have a great program to clean up our <br />city. The only way to get people to move to South Bend is by cleaning up the lots and cleaning <br />up the houses everyone wants to live in a well -kept neighborhood. I don't think we need the <br />government involved in this. I ride around with my code officer every Thursday, he points out <br />code violations and I call a couple kids and if there is a person there I ask if I can help you clean <br />up your yard. I had an elderly neighbor pay $40 to clean up his yard and we had some <br />neighborhood kids mow the yard; that was easily solved. Let's get a reality check, lets clean up <br />South Bend, lets adopt a good mentoring program, and we can move South Bend forward. Let's <br />not complicate it, this isn't' brain surgery. Again I compliment Karen White and Tim Scott. This <br />is going to make a better South Bend and this is going to be better for our youth because our <br />youth can do all of this. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner — I see this as a resolution intended to start a process which will give <br />us an outcome. If the outcome isn't perfect, we will modify it. It is already July 13" and we are <br />in the middle of the first round of cuts. If we keep talking about it, it will be September where <br />we don't need to mow anymore and it will be an even bigger mess. I hear this from many people <br />let's find a way to get something done and if it's not perfect the first time around let's <br />improvement. Mr. Tim Scott's resolution is a way to get that started and we already know where <br />the funding will come from so we don't have to argue about that. <br />Councilmember Davis — First of all I don't believe this resolution is the reason why something <br />has to get started. We make budgets and once it's gone the Mayor's administration can put <br />together a program and do what they can to keep it within the law. What we are doing in this <br />resolution is not funding or defunding it, it's something I call good political theatre. If they <br />wanted to do this, they could have done this already. When we set up the budget it is ingenious. <br />When they say we don't have a good budget, we don't have enough capital, but you initially <br />came to us with the budget, so that's a problem. The criteria is not set and so you can have 25, <br />30, and 40 years old working it. You have to be very cautious about setting up jobs that are age <br />specific, that are race specific, or gender based. You have to be very careful using federal money <br />on how we set those up. I wish it was rocket science, then we would be a lot more cautious and <br />logic- based. When you sit back and say we will just try it out and see what happens is not a <br />great way to do business like that. That's not great judiciary responsibility, as it has gotten us <br />32 <br />